Other Wing Commander Style Productions???


Hi everyone...

I'm only new to this forum despite being a WC fan for years...

My question to everyone is: Are there any other films or TV shows that
are on a similar line to Wing Commander? Ie: Space carrier shows...
I know about the WC movie and the animated series but what else is
out there? Obviously, Battlestar Galactica (both versions) comes to mind
and there are the Star Wars & Star Trek shows (even though they really
aren't carrier based) but does anyone know of other shows as I'd like to
see them...

Looking forward to hearing what everyone has to say...

Ahh yes. Space: Above And Beyond...
I'd forgotten about that one. Silly me.
I knew I'd get results from this group.
Thanks. So, any other thoughts???
You'll get a lot of than in the anime genre - Macross and stuff like that. Well, and nobody really remembers U.F.O, Space 1999 (Moon Base Alpha in Europe), or Thunderbirds anymore. Not really carrier-based, but either stations or small squads, mostly fun.

Oh, and what about Seaquest DSV? Kind of a carrier, although not in space.
Thanks guys...

I hadn't really considered Macross so I'll check it out.
All the other shows you mentioned I know of and I
have videos/dvds of a lot of them so I'll re-introduce
myself to them again...

Thanks again... :)
I just remembered about The Last Starfighter, good movie, the graphics aren't too much, but for a movie made in 1984 they're great
foolishpaul said:
Thanks guys...
I hadn't really considered Macross so I'll check it out.
Thanks again... :)

Umm, you might be a little dissapointed in Macross. It doesn't have the same feel as any of the WC games did, or at least so much as I am concerned. Anyway, Space Above and Beyond was practically a live action WC TV show, so look into that one first. It comes on the SciFi channel occassionaly I believe. Back to the Macross subject though, I really enjoyed the original series. The sequels like Macross 7 were complete crap though, so avoid at all cost. Anyway, good luck on your quest!
Gliderboy said:
Anyway, Space Above and Beyond was practically a live action WC TV show, so look into that one first. It comes on the SciFi channel occassionaly I believe.

foolishpaul had already mentioned that he had meerly forgoten about S:AAB, not that he didn't know it

foolishpaul said:
Ahh yes. Space: Above And Beyond...
I'd forgotten about that one. Silly me.
Thanks again everyone...

Yes, you've all jogged my memory with those shows so I'll be re-watching
as many of them as I can and checking out shows like Macross as well. I've
also been reading about the WC movies being put together from game
footage and so I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing how those projects
turn out...

I run my own little production facility (video/audio) and my dream would
be to one day make my own space flick. However, I'll probably have to
wait to win the lottery to be able to afford it, unless I use the WC3
method of shooting with blue/green sceens and creating all my sets with
computer 3D images. But until then, I'll keep dreaming and keep watching
all the sci-fi that I can get my hands on...

Cheers.... :cool: