OpenGl Stars


Vice Admiral
Hi guys,

I see the nice new textures in nebulas\stars. I'd like to make something very similar for my game. I know you guys layer the original nebula on top of your new stars. What did you use to create the stars .tga files? Is there a tool you'd recommend, or is it more hand painted in a paint program rather than computer generated.
Eder is the one who gave them to me, you'll have to ask him.
What I did notice last time I played FC, I don't know if its still the case, is that there was no constat alpha value on the nebulas. The constant alpha in Prophecy is used to make the jumps between each colour tone less noticeable.
Eddie, you can use our stars if you really just wanted something very similar to them. If not, the way I did them was hand painting a non-tileable starfield texture in Photoshop and then adapting it in 3dsmax (rotating the same non-tileable texture and then using mix maps and gradients to make the different orientations blend into each other) so that it became a seamless cube map.

I'm sure there's more professional ways to go about coming up with a seamless cube map, but I don't know them. :p
Eder is the one who gave them to me, you'll have to ask him.
What I did notice last time I played FC, I don't know if its still the case, is that there was no constat alpha value on the nebulas. The constant alpha in Prophecy is used to make the jumps between each colour tone less noticeable.

Ah did not know that, I'll have to keep that in mind on the next go. Thanks!!
That does look pretty good indeed, though I guess I'm biased. :p

Anyway, glad I could help. :)
Looking good man.

Standoffs dll updates are the priority for now, but if ever you'd like some assistance giving a graphical kick to FC I'd be more than happy to.
Thanks, Pedro. I'll keep it in mind.

I'm just wishing someone will come along and volunteer to do the AI for me :).
I'm just wishing someone will come along and volunteer to do the AI for me :).

No can help you out there I'm afraid, my A.I. lecturer at uni was what I would describe as absolutley off his rocker, I'm afraid I really didn't pick much up. A.I in a space combat title must be an interesting problem too, everything I did read generally revolved around pathfinding, but A* won't be much use for evasive manouvers ;) Maybe it would be worth poking around in the Freespace 2 code?