Open GL Backdrop (SO)

Well, if you compiled a new hi-res DLL, just put make sure it uses the new gl_00007.dll. It's easy to find in the wcsohr dll source.
You say a DLL is what we'll need.. Eyy I feel a change in the wind says I. Gotcha That was definately the ticket :)
Well, if you compiled a new hi-res DLL, just put make sure it uses the new gl_00007.dll. It's easy to find in the wcsohr dll source.

Just to be clear, it's actually in the WCSOHR Menu DLL, which means you'll need to recompile both.

Here's a question though:

if (modesw)
memcpy (ptr,"gl_00006.dll",13);
else if (moded3d)
memcpy (ptr,"gl_00003.dll",13);
else if (moded3d_32)
memcpy (ptr,"gl_0000x.dll",13);
if (res640)
memcpy (ptr,"gl_00002.dll",13);
else if (res800)
memcpy (ptr,"glide1.dll",11);
memcpy (ptr,"glide2.dll",11);

Which one gets replaced with gl_0007.dll? My guess is either 6 or x. Incidently enough, I think that "x" is why my 32 mode isn't working on my mod.
It'd be best to simply add it as a new option, not replacing those already there.

Anyway, if you want to replace one of the existing options, just read the variables names, they're a dead giveaway of which is which. Software, D3D, D3D-32bits, Glide for various resolutions.