Not such a bad guy.


Peace Through Superior Firepower
I thought some of you might be interested to know that I am now the proud owner of a Tri Power intake for my '56 chevy pickup. :D :D :D I've only been trying to get one for the past 15 years.
Like looking for car stuff? Find me a 1993 Thunderbird SC with every option, manual transmission, and dead stock, perfect maintainance records, not beat to shit, and under 4 grand. If you can do that, I'll marry you.
Are you a guy or a gal?

I am a guy. If you were a guy also that would be gay. :eek:
Yes. Yes it would be gay. I was expressing the level of confidence I have in the impossibility of this task when I made that claim.
"I see!" said the blind man, to his deaf dog, as he picked up his hammer and saw.

The part about "every option" and then specifying a standard trans is self defeating since the automatic transmission is an option. :rolleyes:
Ripper said:
The part about "every option" and then specifying a standard trans is self defeating since the automatic transmission is an option. :rolleyes:
Oh shut up. Every option except the faggy slushbox, because I'm not a pussy.

More specific now?
Ripper said:
I thought some of you might be interested to know that I am now the proud owner of a Tri Power intake for my '56 chevy pickup.
No offense, but

1) The phrase "whoop de freakin' doo" comes to mind,


2) WTH is a "slushbox"...
Frosty: O.K. I'll give it a shot, but don't hold your breath, you might pass out by the time I find one.

Bob McDob: Why do you care?

Preacher: 1) No problem.

2) A slush-o-matic. An automatic transmission. Frosty has the same view of them I do.

Frosty: What do you think about pussy steering?
I'm afraid I'm going to have to say I'm in favor of it, I feel that it gives me more immediate control over what I'm doing. I like electronic goodies that help me do things better.
Frosty said:
I'm afraid I'm going to have to say I'm in favor of it, I feel that it gives me more immediate control over what I'm doing. I like electronic goodies that help me do things better.
Um, till the power cuts off, or a fuse blows, or a short develops, & then yer screwed. Arrrrgh!

Give me crank windows any day of the week. And twice on (hot) Sundays... :cool:
I don't know, that stuff is pretty solid. I've never experienced a blown fuse in any of our cars.
Frosty said:
I'm afraid I'm going to have to say I'm in favor of it, I feel that it gives me more immediate control over what I'm doing. I like electronic goodies that help me do things better.
Like, say, an electronically controlled AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION? :p
That doesn't really give me more control.

But for instance, clutchless transmissions rock. I don't like paddle or button-shifters though. Clutchless H-gate would be totally awesome.

I have a feeling if a clutchless H-gate will ever exist, it'll be because Ford or Chevy put it in the GT or Corvette, and not from anyone else. The Japanese love the push-button, and the tap-shifters, and the Europeans love paddles. I wants me a real stick, still.
Ripper said:
I thought some of you might be interested to know that I am now the proud owner of a Tri Power intake for my '56 chevy pickup. :D :D :D I've only been trying to get one for the past 15 years.

Although I have absolutely no idea what that means, congrats! I do, at least, know how you *feel* (G)
A Tri-Power intake is an intake manifold that has 3 2 barrel carbeurators. It was a way to hot rod a vehicle in the late 50's and early 60's.

A '56 Chevy pickup is a 2 door gas engine powered vehicle with a cargo bed, manufactured by Chevrolet in 1956. They were generally used to haul cargo and used as work vehicles hauling a variety of tools and goods.

A stroke of luck: This particular truck was never used in the intended manner, there are no dents or dings in the entire cargo area. :D