Newbie translator!


Destroyer of assclowns
Because it is hopeless communicating to recent CIC newbies because they have no foundation or knowledge of basic English grammar, I have managed to find this translator here. This translator will convert your perfect English into 12-year old AOLer grammar, in the hopes that the newbies who are of this age will be able to understand our main ideas in their own language.

To show off an example, I have translated my signature.

Before y'all get carried away with that translator, let me remind you the usual reply to rampant stupidity, l33tified for your comprehension ('scuze the big word):

"j00 R b4nn3d"

I understand, sir, that trolls perform some of the following actions, and I quote:

FAQ said:
Subject: 4.4 General nastiness

The Target newsgroup is flooded with nastiness, name
calling and swearing, and flame wars, mostly between
themselves. This can be a great off put to new

An interesting variation is for one of their number
purports to object to swearing, while encouraging others,
off newsgroup, in the practice.


Subject: 4.5 Personal attacks on individuals and groups.

Selected individuals are subjected to quite vicious
personal attacks throughout usenet. Examples are:

(Examples are cut due to language and nastiness).
I would say that that FAQ is stupid... Lots of what it's refering to is flaming, and not trolling. I'll also point out that there were people trying to break things on usenet long before 1999...

I like the bit in the introduction where he makes it sound like he's put extensive research into it, and it would be difficult to pick up any of this information from casual participation in Usenet....

I also like the bit where it talks about 'Trolls' disrupting usenet by using holes in rules to harm it, magically using the config groups. I'm not even sure how this makes sense... it it's a heirarchy that has rules behind group creation and management there's not a hugely effective way to work around them. If it's a free for all, like alt., you don't have to work around rules at all, since there aren't any formal ones in place anymore that would stop destructive behaviour, and you never actually need to touch the config groups to send control messages. Sure, you can be a jerkass in the config groups, but that doesn't really break usenet any more than being a jerkass somewhere else.
You know, Phillip, people who keep bringing up trolls when there are no trolls around, are themselves almost as annoying as trolls.
Ah, Malar, your english isn't all that bad. You usually get your point across with little or no confusion. Don't be so down on yourself.