Silent Warrior. Ghost, Stringer, and I always ask for the autoexec.bat, config.sys and dosstart.bat so we can see what dos drivers are being loaded. Like sound card, mouse, cd-rom, ect. This provides information which we need to be able to help them better. We four are the ones who usually help people here. We kind of got this down pretty solid.
Since the porpose here is that Oldun want to play P1 with sound why wouldn't we have load the SBEINIT.COM. Also this is how you'll would get SB16 Emulation in windows. But we are planning to use a boot disk to run P1.
I know you can copy the *.tre files to c:\privater and edit the priv.cfg and rf.cfg. But I like to get the cd-rom going to so it can be use for other games. Plus I know how to do this stuff.
I do this kind of stuff for a living. I work as a system administrator for a biotech firm in Silcon Valley. I live in Unix, NT/2000, and Novell enviroment. Like others here I like WC and I like helping people. I believe I do like 97% of my posting in the Tech Support forum.
Also, P1 need extra stuff in the config.sys so memory would be configure correctly.
Now just so I am not being misunderstood. I am in no way saying you can't help, (since I have no authority here anyway) just that there is an easier way of help someone when know which questions to ask and what it is they want to do. Keep It Simple.