New Poll Zeroes in on Kilrathi Saga Sketch Art (March 22, 2025)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
We've got a new poll, and it's a perfect one for 2025! The wonderful calendar included with The Kilrathi Saga was designed to sync up with 1997 and 2673, then the upcoming new year as well as the year the just-released WC4 takes place. It also works for 2025! LOAF recently rescanned the calendar as a very high quality PDF, which you can get here: 220 archival quality PDF or 9 meg compressed PDF. Each month gets a special piece of concept art. The new poll asks which one you like best, and they're all represented on the back cover for quick reference!

Our annual new year's poll concluded with pretty positive results! We've already seen some fantastic new releases so far this year, including both Team Fat and George Oldziey audio albums. And there is surely more in store as the year unfolds!

Original update published on March 22, 2025
I had to go with the Rigakh page because that was a real bolt-from-the-blue moment for tying together some loose ends in Wing Commander II. Before we saw that page we didn't know that Prince Thrakhath's ship was intended to be a "Rigakh"... or that the single mention of a Rigakh cruiser in Special Operations 1 was intended to reference that class!

But for the record, the captions in this calendar are really bad. Notes:

MARCH: The "Kilrathi wingmen" are actually enemy aces.
APRIL: The "Kilrathi Armor" concept is actually the pilot's helmet, not Thrakhath's pauldrons.
MAY: The screenshot is not a Dorkathi; it's Thrakhath's Bloodfang from the WC2 demo.
JULY: The screenshot is not a Rigakh, it is a Ralatha.
AUGUST: The "Kilrathi Guns and Missiles" are not explicitly Kilrathi.
SEPTEMBER: The Sorthak is actually a corvette.
March for me - I always liked the Kilrathi ace art in Claw Marks. Especially since WC1 only showed them with helmets/armour - I didn't play WC2 until a few years later, and SM1/2 after that, so it was all I really had to go on for quite a while.