New Bomber Sketch Ready to Smash Some Kilrathi (April 25, 2024)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
CountvonSchnaps has a brand new Wing Commander sketch, and this one is a bomber! He's created a Longbow named "Sledge Hammer" for the war effort. It's a chunky beast with lots of gorgeous details to look over. There's also an extra turret up top to fend off the Kilrathi. It was just published to DeviantArt yesterday and already has 80 Favorites, which seems like a lot. It's really nice to see the Wing Commander love out there! You can find his previous destroyer and cruiser takes here.

As per the results of the previous poll a Wing Commander design was in order. As such I picked the Longbow torpedo bomber. I played Wing Commander a lot and I did like the designs of the fighter and other ships in there. Kilrathi ships felt really alien and the story in which you could interact also appealed to me.

I did make a few alteration as to its design. It now has a turret and 3, instead of a 2 man crew. A pilot, reargunner and a weapons officer. The turret gives it a better defensive capability since it is not highly maneuverable, albeit well protected, the turret can fend of enemy fighters and missiles coming in from other directions then its current heading.

Thanks to Rattler for the tip!

Original update published on April 25, 2024