I think we need a way to get wc1 and wc2 ksaga to play at 640 * 320 and 16 bit for those with lcd. If all we can do is higher resolution instead of fancy new effects I am fine.
I have no idea how this is coming along, but I know that some time ago HCl announced a project to do just what you are suggesting. Here is the link to the page with some extra information: http://www.wcrevival.de/hcl/exe_dll/ - Scroll down to "WC1 High-res patch."
He likely got distracted with UE or Standoff related things that have a greater audience and demand. HCl's always done all sorts of things where he gathers information and then doesn't really go anywhere with it, or gets involved with something else. He's a tinkerer when it comes to Wing Commander. That's how he ends up making neat things.