Nathan's Hot-Dog Eating Contest


And Nathan's Hot-Dog Eating Contest goes to that Japanese kid who sucked down 44.5 hot-dogs in 12 minutes.

A woman named (I don't know her name) ate 25 setting a new woman's record

I go to the contest every year as part of going to coney island for my birthday. It is always a lot of fun. Kobyashi is a monster with those dogs. and the Fridge was there this year. Good fourth of july fun down on Coney Island.
Concordia said:
And Nathan's Hot-Dog Eating Contest goes to that Japanese kid who sucked down 44.5 hot-dogs in 12 minutes.

A woman named (I don't know her name) ate 25 setting a new woman's record

There are different kinds of hot-dogs, of different sizes. 44.5 small ones are not that hard. But the mediums or big ones shuld prove to be quite a challenge!
I just had a Nathan's Hot Dog for lunch. The thing is 31% your saturated fat intake. 45 of these hot dogs are a heart attack waiting to happen.
Id be in on that contest if only to eat hotdogs. Losing or not... YUM!
They used to show this on FoodTV all the time. They'd show a plastic bag, simulating a stomach, to demonstrate how grotestquely large and full of hotdogs the winning kid'stomach was. The reason he wins is because he doesn't actually chew the hotdogs and just swallows them as fast as possible. I imagine he has the worst bowel problems afterwards though.

I like Nathan's hotdogs quite a bit. I always used to get one for lunch when at college. They're probably more filling than a normal hotdog too.
Sorry, but every now & then I feel the need to respond to someone's sig.

Mav: Back a few years ago, I saw one of those sports page photos that really sez it all. It was of one of our beloved Syracuse (basketball) Orangemen - current National Champs, btw, thank you very much... - jamming home a game winning dunk at the end of the game.

The photo was one of those dunks where the guy, after jamming home the ball, was in a position where his legs were drawn up towards his torso such that both the hips and knees were bent at a 90 degree angle. In short, his lower body looked as if he were sitting down.

I remarked on this photo to one of my colleagues, and he christened it the "dumpster dunk", explaining that the player looked as if he were sitting on the can, experiencing one of these dumps that you spoke of.

psych said:
I just had a Nathan's Hot Dog for lunch. The thing is 31% your saturated fat intake. 45 of these hot dogs are a heart attack waiting to happen.

Yeah but not if you eat that just one day.

Maybe he practice with light hotdogs.
Concordia said:
And Nathan's Hot-Dog Eating Contest goes to that Japanese kid who sucked down 44.5 hot-dogs in 12 minutes.

A woman named (I don't know her name) ate 25 setting a new woman's record


I quess they had to not eat for days before the contest?
Actually, they couldn't have starved themselves for days. I'll tell you why: Your stomach shrinks after a few days of starving yourself, so you can't eat as much after.

A few hours fine, but a few days: no.
