Napoleon Dynamite

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Rear Admiral
I wasn't sure about this movie going in. But it's really damn funny. I highly recommend you guys go see it. There are some parts that are uncomfortable to watch. But you're constantly rewarded for it. Some parts of the humor were quite a stretch. But overall, this was a great movie. I'd go see it again even. And I hate going to the theatre twice for the same movie.
Shipgate said:
I wasn't sure about this movie going in. But it's really damn funny. I highly recommend you guys go see it. There are some parts that are uncomfortable to watch. But you're constantly rewarded for it. Some parts of the humor were quite a stretch. But overall, this was a great movie. I'd go see it again even. And I hate going to the theatre twice for the same movie.

We already had a thread about Farenlyle 9/11. It ended badly.
Luckily, Napoleon Dynamite is nothing like F 9/11. It's a comedy (and a rather honest one, at that) about growing up in a small town, with its various cliques and quirks. I actually know the guys who made it. It's based off of the actual town they grew up in. It's fun, it's not politically loaded, and you can't help but see a bit of yourself in it somewhere. It would be tough to build up a controversy about this one. Not everyone will like it, but there's nothing to fight about with this one.
I love when he's at that thrift store and he buys that learn how to dance video. Just when I saw the cover with that black guy with the tall hair and his name I started laughing so hard I couldn't breath. Or when they're watching that commercial for the dojo and the guy who runs it points his finger at the camera and then there was like something wrong with the camera and his arm starts shaking really fast.

Or one of the best parts I thought was when that bully is picking on that kid for his bike and those Mexican gangbanger pull up to scare him away. Brilliant!

Well, here, this trailer made me go see it.
Bandit LOAF,
Oops, egg on my face! I didn't pick up on the fact that you were joking... must be those four hours of sleep (we've got a new baby at home. He's really cute, but still learnung to sleep at night. He's kind of on the vampire schedule right now. :D But, it's getting better). Yes, it's a great film, and good for a laugh. I guess I've been speaking to too many arumentative people lately. Sorry for my dense moment there.
If we do go see it again Greg, lets just hope there aren't a bunch of morons there again. I think it would have been much more enjoyable had it not been for those losers. Honestly I think this one might be better to watch at home with friends away from crouds.
I agree it is impossible in a theater to avoid such people. The silly teens that play with their phones, the guy or girl who like to go all out on the snack cart thing. You know what I'm talking about. It comes with nachos and onion rings and fries and there's actually a bar they walk over to and dress up their nachos. God I can't even stand people who buy their big tubs of popcorn. So for me, all I need is the folks with their damned popcorn and I'm already annoyed.

I remember when I went to see Prisoner of Azkaban and there was a nerd (I swear I'm not a nerd) sitting behind me and he kept laughing really loud at all the dumb jokes and even during moments that really weren't supposed to be funny I think. Yeah, the theater going experience is a mixed bag really. I rarely go see movies unless it's something I know I really want to see.

God, I remember when I saw Resident Evil with my friends and there was this guy making commentary on people's deaths left and right. Like when that women has her head sticking out of the elevator and she's trying to escape and this it starts again and supposedly kills her: the fella behind me, he actually goes, "You're dead bitch! Duh haa haa." It was unbearable.

I can't even stand it when people get there late to a movie and almost every seat is filled but they see two seats on the other side of you and you are sitting on the end. And they somehow summon the audacity to ask you to move down a couple of seats. Good God!

Then you got those movies that no one wants to see except for you. But then there are people who don't want to see the movie but they bring their dates into them so they can make out in the dark. Eh, seeing the Hulk was a bad idea anyway. I didn't even want to see that. What was I thinking that day??

This should just be a thread now about bad movie-going experiences.
LOAF made a lame joke about it being impossible for us to go see a movie without there being morons there because we ourselves are 'apparantly' morons... You aren't helping our cause at all Greg, hahahaha!
Shipgate said:
I agree it is impossible in a theater to avoid such people. The silly teens that play with their phones, the guy or girl who like to go all out on the snack cart thing. You know what I'm talking about. It comes with nachos and onion rings and fries and there's actually a bar they walk over to and dress up their nachos. God I can't even stand people who buy their big tubs of popcorn. So for me, all I need is the folks with their damned popcorn and I'm already annoyed.

I remember when I went to see Prisoner of Azkaban and there was a nerd (I swear I'm not a nerd) sitting behind me and he kept laughing really loud at all the dumb jokes and even during moments that really weren't supposed to be funny I think. Yeah, the theater going experience is a mixed bag really. I rarely go see movies unless it's something I know I really want to see.

God, I remember when I saw Resident Evil with my friends and there was this guy making commentary on people's deaths left and right. Like when that women has her head sticking out of the elevator and she's trying to escape and this it starts again and supposedly kills her: the fella behind me, he actually goes, "You're dead bitch! Duh haa haa." It was unbearable.

I can't even stand it when people get there late to a movie and almost every seat is filled but they see two seats on the other side of you and you are sitting on the end. And they somehow summon the audacity to ask you to move down a couple of seats. Good God!

Then you got those movies that no one wants to see except for you. But then there are people who don't want to see the movie but they bring their dates into them so they can make out in the dark. Eh, seeing the Hulk was a bad idea anyway. I didn't even want to see that. What was I thinking that day??

This should just be a thread now about bad movie-going experiences.
Bingo, I was went to see Troy with my English Class and all I heard were morons on there godamn phones. THen the next day I went to see it again because I didnt get much done. I sat between 2 people who were not only on their phones but rather talking to eachother. Also all they did was scream "FUCK" every 5 minutes and then lean over to me to call me a chikenshit cocksuker. After that never going to the Theater again :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

All I can say is that I must live in a place with exteremly civilized moviegoers... I can't remember the last time I went to a movie and it was disrupted by such activities. Of course, they are rather strict around here about removing people who are disruptive... perhaps it's the old behaviorist addage at work: that which is rewarded (or conversely, not punished) is repeated.

I feel for all of you in the world of barbaric moviegoing experiences. Although I suppose LOAF is right... my presence in the room probably doesn't add to the average IQ there. :D At least I know to stay quiet during the film. Better luck next time, everyone. If all else fails, bring a Biker to sit next to you in your next movie... they are rather good at commanding respect. Don't have a Biker friend, you say? Visit to get to know some of your friendly neighborhood Bikers.

powell99 said:
Bingo, I was went to see Troy with my English Class and all I heard were morons on there godamn phones. THen the next day I went to see it again because I didnt get much done. I sat between 2 people who were not only on their phones but rather talking to eachother. Also all they did was scream "FUCK" every 5 minutes and then lean over to me to call me a chikenshit cocksuker. After that never going to the Theater again :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Yes it's true. My community here is not that civilized when going to the movies. But heavens, why did they lean over you every fifve minutes to call you a chickenshit cocksucker? They must have also been smoking giant cigars that said Carnivale on the side.
Hmm.... why should they do such things? I've been reading some research lately on annonymity, especially how the inability to be identified as an individual often enboldens people to do certain types of action while driving that they might not do otherwise (flipping people off, aggressive maneuvering, cursing, etc...).

I wonder if movie theaters offer that same type of annonymity. The lights are dim, and you are in a place with a bunch of people you are unlikely to see again, at least in any real form of interaction. I don't know... I would be curious to find out if it is the same type of phenomenon.

One thing is for sure: one cannot rule out at this point that their actions may indeed have been drug induced. Drugs seem to enhance people's natural propensity to act stupidly. Honestly, I personally can't imagine paying money to attend a movie that I have no intention of paying attention to. To be frank, if I am in a movie and it seems like its not worth staying for the rest, I walk out and ask for my money back (no, I'm not the guy who yells at the manager. I have found that many managers actually appreciate some constructive and level-headed feedback as to why you did not enjoy the movie). So, it is somewhat baffeling to me that you would pay money not only to ignore a movie, but to disrupt other people in their attempts to pay attention to it.

I wonder if they would act the same if their identities were apparent and they knew they would have to interact with the audience members in another context. Food for thought, I guess.

With driving I can easily imagine how people are emboldened. Embiggened even. I mean, should they flip off another motorist, they are in their car. And if the other motorist really wants to follow him till one of their cars run out of gas then it just may come to that. But at a theater I don't think it's the same phenomenon. You could much easier get hold of the guy who's offending you. What happened to poor powell just sounded like an isolated incident. Poor kid...
Yes, no matter what caused it, Powell didn't deserve what he got. Like I said, I should introduce you to some of my biker friends. It's amazing how much respect you get when one of them is sitting next to you! :cool:

Well, let's hope Powell can overcome his PTSD from the incident.

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