Name that Star Trek Scene

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This quote is from a Star Trek movie... They're speaking in the gibberish known as klingon. Since I'm not a super-trekkie who knows klingon, I'm simply sounding them out phonetically (which ironically is not phoenetic-- that would be Finnedick). This quote comes from a certain scene in the movie...

Name that Scene

"Kamapoo--Shotanayh!" - Commander Kruge
"But Stoq, Gakh!" - Gunner
"AIEEEE!" - Gunner

Bonus points to the person who can translate that :D

-Concordia's from ST3, the bird of prey has just destroyed the USS grissom, kruge is yelling at the gunner because he wanted to take prisoners, IIRC the gunner says 'a lucky shot', then kruge shoots him
How about:

Scotty: Laddy, don't you think you should..rephrase that?
Klingon: You're right I should. I didn't mean to say that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage. I meant to say that it should be hauled away AS garbage...[laughs]
Scotty: PUNCH!
Don't forget about the funny, hokie music in the background.

There should be subtitles in that scene giving you the translation. If I remember correctly, its:

Kruge: "I said target the engines!"
Gunner: "A lucky shot!"
(Kruge kills gunner with disruptor)

But I'm not 100% on that - I don't think its exactly word for word
T8H3X11 said:
How about:

Scotty: Laddy, don't you think you should..rephrase that?
Klingon: You're right I should. I didn't mean to say that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage. I meant to say that it should be hauled away AS garbage...[laughs]
Scotty: PUNCH!

Klingon talking with Scotty on DS(4-maybe?)
Trouble with Tribbles -> TOS or
Trials and Tribble-ations -> DS9
Yep. Alright, what's this from - even easier

Gillian: You guy's like Italian
Spock: No
Kirk: Yes
Spock: No
Kirk: Yes
Spock: No
Kirk: ......Yes, I like Italian. And so do you.
Spock: Yes
Silly LOAF... every thread is against the rules... you either use the stupid thread rule, or just pick some random rule and say it applies, using the opening bit of rule one.
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