Hi. I have a rather slow computer (500 Mhz P3), but still a bit too quick for WC1. In SM2, they installed some kind of frame-rate limiter, but I guess there was never a patch for WC1/SM1. I tried MoSlo, and it didn't do anything. I also tried CPUKiller, and it worked, in its way, it made everything jerky without making it more managable: things still went too quickly for combat, just like without it, but now it had the added problem of frame-skipping, so instead of automatically dying in three seconds of combat, I die in three seconds of combat with jerky frames. I should note that I did both of these in a Windows environment.
My apologies if this matter is already thoroughly covered in some other part of WCNews. I couldn't find the article, if it exists, myself.
My apologies if this matter is already thoroughly covered in some other part of WCNews. I couldn't find the article, if it exists, myself.