Maybe a dumb question


I have the ability to get an old Pentium computer for about 5 dollars.

My question is will Privateer 1 run on a Pentium Pro 75 or a Pentium MMX 200 without problems, if I just load Dos 5, 6.2, or Dos 7?
Read similar Threads about Privateer1.Just run it and see what problems (if) you have and see if you can find help to the Threads (there are "stuck" threads about Privateer)

If you have a different problem,just post it buddy :p
Originally posted by cnk102196

My question is will Privateer 1 run on a Pentium Pro 75 or a Pentium MMX 200 without problems, if I just load Dos 5, 6.2, or Dos 7?

Your main problems are to get an ISA soundcard and to get an analogue joystick to go along with it.
Besides that - yep should work.