Mark Hamill on Star Wars (July 24, 2014)


The BBC caught up with Mark Hamill at the Guardians of the Galaxy red carpet event in London. They spoke briefly about the new Star Wars trilogy, which has recently started filming. Luke Skywalker is one of several characters from the original trilogy to have a supporting role. Watch the interview here.

Mark Hamill, who has returned to the role of Luke Skywalker after more than 30 years, has said it feels like an "unexpected gift" to be back on a Star Wars set.
He said he was there to lend his support and grow a "contractually-obligated beard".
He praised the new generation of actors, including Daisy Ridley, taking part in Star Wars: Episode VII, in his first TV interview about the new film.

Original update published on July 24, 2014
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He's a great actor, it will be good to see him back on the big screen.

Will always be Blair to us though.
Man, the comb-forward part in the hair, the beard... they're definitely doing to whole "Obi-Wan" look.

The sobering part is that Hamill is now the age Alec Guiness was when filming the original movie.
Oh good - it wasn't just me then. I was thinking he was starting to look a little rough. Going to be interesting to see what they'll be having Luke do in the new movie set.
So is this his biggest role since Return Of The Jedi? He notably voiced The Joker in the Batman game but I don't recall him featuring in anything too mainstream that really made it on the big screen.

He hasn't aged too well as eluded to before, although I think he was still looking rather dashing by the time he appeared in WCIV. The beard is certainly an improvement, as much as I struggle to get past him being the hero of Kilrah, it will be great to see the direction he takes as Luke Skywalker once more.
He had a bit part in Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back, and his work as the Joker goes back to the Animated Series in the 90s; other than that I wouldn't recall without having to refer to Wikipedia.
He had a recurring role in Seaquest DSV, did some direct-to-video movies.... Most people only know him as Luke Skywalker.. who did stuff with computer games in the 90's....
Žižek looks as though he hasn't washed in some years!
You joke, but this is probably actually true. The article says the beard is 'contractually obligated' so let's hope that Luke hasn't let himself go quite as much since Return of the Jedi.

I'm cautiously optimistic about the new movie and it will be interesting to see how they utilize Mark; hopefully it's not going to be anywhere as slipshod as Star Trek Generations' use of Kirk (and Scotty and Chekov, for some reason).
Always thought Mark was a better actor than he got credit for. He played the title character in Amadeus on Broadway when it first opened in the early 80s and here and there did some stronger-than-average performances (I'm rather fond of his appearance on Amazing Stories).

I'm not saying he's Olivier as Othello, but he's rarely given the chance to act outside the shadow of Star Wars.
They have been filming Star Wars about half a mile from my house here in The Forest of Dean drove past a few times but I could only see the trailers :(
They have been filming Star Wars about half a mile from my house here in The Forest of Dean drove past a few times but I could only see the trailers :(

Such is life as a Wing Commander fan: always teassed by Star Wars movie trailers in front of you.