Carnaval, as it is, is a festival invented in brazil to celebrate the days before Easter, where you would be able to drink and eat meat (Carne=meat)
It was originated in brazil, yes, and was addapted or assimilated by other latin cultures
Its common for foreigners (in that I mean non-latins) to think that any sort of celebration including costumes in latin america is the same thing, but its not, in the same way you cant connect whatever celebration you are refering to in the roman times. I imagine youre refering to the celebrations to Baco (the origin of the world bachanal), which has absolutelly nothing to do with carnaval. that celebration was a sort of religious (yes) way to reach the god by drinking, eating and (I believe) fucking so much you would archive absolute estasy, like only the gods would know
Though there is a lot of reference to carnaval (and unfortunatly my country) relating to easy sex, its easy for people without proper knowledge to confuse them
There ARE other festivals, similar ones, around Latin America, the world and history, but its not because they have some similarity that they are alike
Im sure most (if not all) americans would scream and complain if I compared the american independence fireworks to what we have, lets say, in Rio's New Year's Eve celebration (even if that second one is definitly far bigger than anything I have ever saw in the world
) or even to, lets say, the Chinese New Year
Now, please, dont make posts where you presume to know everything or that is agressive towards a country and their natives only because they once argued a valid point in history
EDIT: The King Momo was introduced only in 1933, and yes, a reference to the greek-roman god of irreverence and the celebration to saturn back in the roman days (specifically to Rio's carnaval). Carnaval is older than that...dates from like 1917 or so