Mantu and B5 Shadows

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Ok I would like to say that beyond a few choice Kilrathi the guy from WCATV, Kirha hrai Hunter nar Aussi (btw I just finished fleet action and nowhere does it tell us that kirha commited suicide, when do we find this out?), Jukaga prevents the nuclear bomber of earth so he is somewhat decent. But beyond those every cat I met was evil, but then again I killed them before I really got to know them

PS You will notice I didn't mention hobbes because he was a construction and I never knew Ralgha long enough to know whether or not he was evil.
Originally posted by Napoleon
Kirha hrai Hunter nar Aussi
Actually, it's just Kirha.:) Hunter released him from his oath...

(btw I just finished fleet action and nowhere does it tell us that kirha commited suicide, when do we find this out?)
It's mentioned in False Colors.

Jukaga prevents the nuclear bomber of earth so he is somewhat decent.
How does that make him decent? He still wanted to counger the Confederation and take over the Empire, the only difference is that he wouldn't kill everyone (just used them as slaves).<G>
Originally posted by Napoleon
But beyond those every cat I met was evil, but then again I killed them before I really got to know them

What about the Kats on Ghorah Kar? I don't think they were evil. Also, how about Melek? Melek may have been bad during the war, but afterwards he quit.
There was nothing *good* about Melek -- he just realized when he was beaten. Don't let the fact that they made him look fluffy in Wing Commander IV fool you... had he the chance, he'd killed us all.

Similarly, Kirha wasn't *good* -- he didn't fight for our side, he didn't believe in our ideals and he'd have killed us had he the ability... but he was bound not to. Don't let Freedom Flight's comical 'fish out of water' storyline fool you.

The Kilrathi do claim to have a code of honor -- but they are *not* furry Klingons... their definition of honor is significantly different from ours; most of them don't even recognize other species as revelent thereto.
Ralgha was pretty damned honourable, in my eyes. If you read HotT or view the Hobbes explination video in the files section you have a much better view of him.

But that doesn't make him *good* -- his upbringing makes him 'honorable', as the Kilrathi concept of honor sometimes overlaps our own...
I personally don't think that one that is honourable can be classified as evil. That doesn't mean they're good... just not evil.

In this case, being "honorable" is simply a Kilrathi social convention -- an automatic. I'm sure Hitler used napkins, does that mean he's not evil (G)?
No, but there's a difference between using a napkin and being honourable. Even if it's the Kilrathi view of honour.

Not really. She was a spy, Confed would have killed a Kilrathi performing a similar mission.

So... you're saying that the kil who ordered the destruction of Warsaw, Sirius, Gilead, Earth and others *isn't* evil?
Thrakath is an honorless dog who should/would if he really existed, be burning in hell. He has no honor, no good, no redeeming features, he runs away from battle when he thinks he will loose, he has not performed an honorable act in his life! Then again he never had a life so it doesn't matter.
So, Thrakhath wasn't evil, *because* he disembowled Angel?

That parsed differently to me than I now understand you meant it to. He wasn't evil for killing Angel. Genocide does, however make him evil. Thrak's methods of attack on the way to Earth, however, were not within the realms of Kilrathi honour. Genocide is one of the few things I'm actually willing to classify as evil.

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
But killing Angel in that manner, for instance, fits the Kilrathi definition of honor...
Big deal... in either case, he was going to kill Angel...

If you go look at Seether's philosophy, in WC IV the author says, when Seether just killed a pilot in battle: "Death was the ultimate failure. He had no respect for failure" or something like that...

Honor is a relative thing... Angel probably didn't give a damn on HOW she was going to die...

[Edited by mpanty on 03-18-2001 at 00:04]
Just because a person committs 1 honorable act does not make that person at all honorable. I am sure that Hitler at one point helped an old lady across the street, but that in no way makes him an honorable person.
Ah, but the Kilrathi have nothing against genocide -- they consider it a joke! It was simply that particular method which lacked "honor".
Ah, but the Kilrathi have nothing against genocide -- they consider it a joke! It was simply that particular method which lacked "honor".

I appear to be losing this discussion due to my inablity to properly vocalize, oh well :).

Can you actually classify something that seems to be a instinctual necessity as evil?

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