Lead joystick in WC2


My joystick response is horrible in WC2. Just to test it out, I'll launch, kill speed, turn to face the Concordia. Then I throw the joystick over and count off how long it takes to turn a complete circle--it's about twice as long as it takes using the keyboard. Bluehair's hand only moves a little on the onscreen joystick, too.

Running the calibration routine doesn't seem to help; furthermore at the end of the calibration it says "FAILED. Center joystick and press a button" and it takes a few presses for that message to go away. I tried the old trick of only moving the stick halfway while calibrating but that didn't change a thing.

Works fine with WC1, and the calibration routine in SM2 goes without a hitch. Any ideas?

WC2 from the WC2 Deluxe CD-ROM (WC2 only, not the 1 and 2 disc). I presume any patches are not applicable? WC2.EXE from the patch in the files section is dated 11 Dec 1991 and the CD one is dated 4 Feb 1995....

Logitech Wingman Attack 3-axis 4-button analog stick. SB AWE64 ISA card. DOS 6.22.
Well, much mucky-muck later, here are my findings:
The full range for my joystick (removing the pots and twisting them by hand) is X 4-86, Y 5-127 (from the BIOS routines). Actually plugged into the stick restricts the range somewhat. Interestingly enough, swapping the X and Y pots doesn't change anything--i.e. it's a characteristic of my game port, not the pots. Elite, incidentally, shows a similarly constrained range of joystick motion.

Running under DOSBox, with a different joystick (calibrated via the OS), on the USB port, I actually get a full range of motion and it's perfectly playable (except for a slight lag between button pressing and action happening that isn't present with the keyboard, so I'll have to track that down). Oddly enough, the WC2 calibration routine *still* doesn't work! So I guess it's just really finicky. I hope the 3 routines are more like 1...I don't have the horsepower to run 3 under emulation!

Anyone have any success with the WC2 joystick calibration?
Does the joystick work without a problem in any other programs?

Either get Kilrathi Saga, or buy a new joystick. It sounds like your joystick is dead.
Saturnyne said:
Does the joystick work without a problem in any other programs?
Just fine in WC1, including SM2. Fine in Descent. Perfect under anything in Linux (which is of course another kettle of fish).

Seems to be a matter of how finicky the joystick calibration routine is.
!!!!!!read This Please Help~~~~

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Feel Free to send Cash, check or money order To:

Josh F
I can’t send you any money but if you need your tooth extracted I’ll be happy to knock it out with a hammer.
I would say something about WC being all about the keyboard, but I'm too busy getting my checkbook out for Josh as I wipe away the tears.
I think the Tarsus can be run on a keyboard, but at least until WC3 other ships were run with a joystick, including a big one for the Longbow.
Either get Kilrathi Saga, or buy a new joystick. It sounds like your joystick is dead.

He described a whole bunch of situations where it works fine though, so it's not dead. There's just some conflict that it has with DOS WC2.

WC2 from the WC2 Deluxe CD-ROM (WC2 only, not the 1 and 2 disc). I presume any patches are not applicable? WC2.EXE from the patch in the files section is dated 11 Dec 1991 and the CD one is dated 4 Feb 1995....

I would still try it if you haven't already. Are you doing the in-game calibration? (J at the start screen)
I don't think so. It sounds more like some kind of conflict with the joystick, sound card or something like that.