Just Plain Stupid

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People are saying that cars are causing to much pollution, and they are ruining the atmosohere. Ok if cars sre so deadly, we should plug the COWS up. They produce much more carbon dioxide than cars.
However you'd have a hard time living without cows. Living without a car on the other hand isn't hard at all, if you are willing to accept your reduced mobility.
What you say ist just stupid - its like saying why save on cigarettes when you can save so much more money by not paying anything for food or rent...
But then most "living organism" some form of pollution so what are we going to do about. There are so many things we should do but we have so limited means to achieve a desirable goal
Do a little research before you decide that throwing our waste into the environment, in any form, isn't hurting the Earth.

It's akin to saying that because we don't acknowledge or have black and white proof that these ill-effects are happening, that they don't exist. We have a lot of information, before or after you want to call it tampered with, that suggests we are seriously damaging our environment. Visit any of the "Superfund" environmental disaster areas in the United States, or any developing country and then come back and tell me everything is fine.

Air pollution is just the same. Please do some research, and please learn to spell a few words correctly with correct grammar before replying.
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