Joystick problems with WC3 and 4

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Don't laugh, but my Gravis Gamepad does not get detected when I start up either these games, but is detected by windows. The joystick runs off of my Sound Card, and I believe it have the latest drivers for it. Its is an SB Live! sound card.

Any help is appriciated.
Gravis Gamepad

I have the same problem. I cannot find a DOS driver for the GG anywhere.
As long as it is dos Joysticks DONT NEED A DRIVER!!!!!

Why it doesn't work is a good question. Most likely it is because the SBLive has a digital gameport (AFAIK) and the Gravis is proably also a digital stick (no, this doesn't has anything to do with USB). DOS doesn't like that combo (all is fine as long as one device is truely analogue as it looks.

As for solving your problem - try the Windows patch for WC4. For WC3 I can only suggest to buy a cheap 2 button stick, sorry.