Johnny Get Your Gun Platform (May 3, 2017)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Think you've seen every ship in Wing Commander III? The 3DO version of the game actually includes two models not present in the PC release! The first of these, shared in this post, is the Kilrathi Gun Platform. The 3DO port cuts the famous 'ground missions' and instead has the player attack bases orbiting targets on each planet's surface. Once they're destroyed, a cutscene showing the elements of the ground attack necessary to the story is played (the destruction of Kilrah, for instance.) These gun platforms are heavily armored and something of a tough nut to crack... and they're also very simple, essentially just a square with a pair of turrets.

Original update published on May 3, 2017
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A really interesting thing about the 3DO port is how some aspects of this port appear to then flow back into the main line of WC games when WC4 comes around. Looking at the menu shots shown recently, I was under the impression that these resembled WC4 more than WC3. And now, we've got these gun platforms, when WC4 does something very similar with turret mines. Granted, turret mines are not a unique or new concept, since X-Wing had them a couple of years earlier, but it would be very surprising if the 3DO's gun platforms really had nothing to do with WC4's turret mines.
Not a surprise! Both games would have been in development at the same time (in 1995.)

(In fact the 'other' new ship is the 'triangle transport' seen in WC4 cutscenes... although I believe it was actually built for WC3 proper earlier and not used.)