Is this cheating?

Is it cheating when you exploit a so called bug in the game?

I'm playing SM2, and I am on the mission where I have to safeguard the Drayman 'sport and save the TCS Austin. When I would get to the Drayman's nav point, I'd waste all the Krants, and waste all the Dralthi attacking it, and the Drayman would be intact. Heavily damaged, but intact. Every time I did this, the Salthi in between Nav points would blow the Drayman away faster than I could tail and kill them.

This time, I routed the last Krant instead of killing it, and the Dralthi did not show up. I saw him turn tail, and I let him go on purpose to see if that would keep the Dralthi from coming, and it did. This gave me the edge I needed, and the Drayman was able to soak up more damage while I took care of the Salthis. After that, I dispatched the 4 Gratha and headed home. My friend used to call this "exploiting a bug in the game." I think he meant to imply some sort of cheating on my part, but is that the case here? Is this cheating?
Unless it's a reproducible glitch or bug in the game you're deliberately taking advantage of, I wouldn't call it cheating.
Well, I figured it was reproducable. If you rout the last ship in a wave, the second or third waves don't show up. Not sure if that would happen every time, though.
Preventing subsequent waves by routing the last ships in an earlier one is a common technique. Not sure if I would call it 'cheating' as such, even if you used that technique deliberately, as you are still operating withing what's available to you as a player.
Ah, good point! :) I'd like your permission to use that defense the next time my friend calls me to the carpet for "exploiting a bug in the game." heh.
The specifics of what is and what isn't cheating has been debated here before. Even what I said to you previously could allow for invincibility to be permitted in later WC games. The way I see it, don't worry too much about details, just enjoy the game the way you want to enjoy it. If it isn't clear whether a given tactic is or isn't considered cheating, I would say forget about it and just enjoy the game. ;)
In that mission, I tend to just buzz back and forth past the Exeter as the Rapiers chase me. They will inevitibly crash into it. It's actually a lot of fun. Well, when the game itself isn't BENDING YOU OVER and INSERTING ITS-...

Um, anyway, yeah. There are ways to kill your enemies that don't involve guns or missiles.
It's kind of amazing to see a discussion about cheating being wrong in 2010. This was certainly something folks fought about tooth and nail online fifteen years ago... but it seemed like everyone just stopped caring at some point.
Well, I've never been able to sit with cheating at a game I love, and since I don't play games I don't greatly enjoy, I've never really ever wanted to win through cheating. There've been a few times where I have cheated to win at one thing or another, and I couldn't stand the feeling. I hated the fact that I could not win or do well on my own merits, that I had to cheat to win. It made me feel like I was no good. Like if I had to cheat to win, I might as well stop playing.

Of course, after I have beat a few video games, I've used cheat codes just to see what happens. "Oh, haha, that's kind of funny." Once, I tried to cheat my way through a mission on WC and just hated myself. I said screw it, and kept trying until I beat it on my own.