Ragark Dai Thrak
Hi All, I'm Ragark Dai Thrak, I'm a young Kirathi here on the forums and please forgive me if this isn't the right place for this post . I knew about WC by playing "Privateer Gold" once, but I don't know anything about the other games. I also watched the movie DVD, it was a little unfair with the Kilrathi, but it was a great movie anyway. Could you people tell me if there is a Wing Commander game where I can play as a Kilrathi? Which game Should I start? Which is the greatest game of all? I find this universe very excitement and I want to learn from the experts, that's why I'm here asking
Honor and Glory,
Ragark Dai Thrak
P.S. : Please forgive my strange english, I'm just learning terran
Honor and Glory,
Ragark Dai Thrak
P.S. : Please forgive my strange english, I'm just learning terran