I'm having trouble---HELP :-D


I'm having trouble running both WC IV and Privateer 2 on my Windows XP Home laptop. WC IV doesn't recognize either my mouse or joystick (both USB), and it runs the video and audio out of synch. Privateer 2 won't even install - it says that there's not enough disk space (I have 14.5 GB free). I know there old games, but does that really mean that I have to use old equipment to play them. I miss killing alien cats and the denizens of the universe. I miss flying...can anyone help?



I'm running, as I said, Windows XP Home with 198mb RAM, and an AMD Athalon +2200 processor.
For WCIV: Are you running with the Windows patch in Win9x compatibility mode? Did you use the win2k patch available in this Thread yet?
And you may also want to try the USB Joystick patch, if it still doesn't work. linked in this Thread:
To Privateer2: Similar to WCIV: Did you use the Windows patch?

Normally those two games are quite easy to get working to run under XP, unlike some others. - and usb mouse and joystick should work as well (for me, they do).