I know this is not a Doom3 forum...


Cry some more!
But I think you people can help me...
I have the weirdest problem with doom3, I was running it fine on an:
Athlon 1.3GHz, 512MB DDR RAM, Geforce 4 MX 440-64MB, on 800x600 with specular, shadows and low quality. Special effects were turned off.

Then I "upgraded" the gpu to a FX5200 with 128mb. Now EVERY texture that's not a wall surface (computer screens, blinking lights, the hud, the weapon, weapon effects, the flashlight's light...) BLINKS wildly.

I was using the latest Omega drivers, then I rolled back to the official nvidia with no luck. I tested Ground Control 2 and Splinter Cell and both are gorgeous. I turned every single option in both doom 3 and the drivers on and off, no effect. I removed the mods, still nothing. I switched resolutions, I tried medium quality, nothing helped me.

I would like to play Doom3 on the fx5200 (yeah, it's crap and all, but in brazil these video cards are REALLY expensive).

The only way out I know will work is replacing the MX440, but I'd like to avoid that.
Thats excactly the same problem i've been experiencing with Unreal 2 and freelancer. Wish i knew what the problem was...
Intel pentium III
128 MB ram (I know its crappy, but i cant get my other memory chip to work.)
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900

If you need to know more, feel free to ask.
Maybe it's the MipMap level, an alpha channel problem (Transparency) or something with multiple texture rendering. You can try different settings in the driver (in the Performance and Quality tab, if you're using the NVidia drivers. ) Try playing with the mipmap, anisotropic filtering and trilinear filtering. It may or may not help.
Dyret, I've never seen sucha powerful gpu installed in such a weak machine! The rest of your computer is surely severely limiting the performance of the fx5900. You would have better performance in a more balanced machine, like a 5700 on a athlon 2.0 and 512 ram. Just some advice, I'm not bragging or anything. But the low memory and the slow chip must have something to do with your problems.

K1nG Gr4H4m, I'll try messing with these settings, not that I haven't messed with everything they put in both the drivers and the game... I have nothign to lose though.

Chris, I haven't tried the patch because it's beta... and also the readme doesn't mention eything remotely realated to this kind of trouble, they're more gameplay tuning and mp balancing.

Well, I'll try some more tricks tonight and I'll let you guys know if it works. Thanks a lot, and keep the advice coming
Edfilho said:
Dyret, I've never seen sucha powerful gpu installed in such a weak machine! The rest of your computer is surely severely limiting the performance of the fx5900. You would have better performance in a more balanced machine, like a 5700 on a athlon 2.0 and 512 ram. Just some advice, I'm not bragging or anything. But the low memory and the slow chip must have something to do with your problems.

The low memory have a lot to do with it, my computer ran much smoother when i had over 600mb. :(

PS. I just checked again, i have 248 MB. :eek:
I dont know how i got that funny 128 idea.
Its still crappy though :D
that's usually the case when you have an onboard gpu... it eats 8mg out of the system ram, as there are no 248 ram sticks
take a look at your BIOS setup and check if there's any onboard video enabled.

BTW, I solved my problem, All it took was enabling vsync. stupid tearing from hell.
Maybe 2x128?
and now the 2 sticks are working.

Enabling Vsync in my rig is bad, it lowers my FPS badly.
2x128 = 256 :)
248+8 = 256... this "less 8 MB" is usually caused by onboard video. He should check his BIOS setup and disable anything related to it.

Doom3 is knida boring, after shooting imps for 5 hrs I got tired of it. I found Prince of Persia and Tron 2.0 to be a lot more fun.

Anyway, it's a glorified tech demo. Let us wait for the games other companies will make after licensing the engine.
nvidia = 16 and 32 bit accuracy
ati = 24 bit accuracy

either the game, the api, or the drivers are telling your card to work in 16 bit (i'm not talking about colour here, i'm talking about 'accuracy').

you ahve coplanar polygons, being placed in a 16 bit frustum, and rounding errors are making them clip into each other. variance in rounding causes the top surface to sometimes be above, sometimes below.

goto your nvidia driver panel and choose 'high quality' rendering for opengl (this is not AA or aniso, it's 'quality')

if you dont wanna play doom3 much, and are waiting for Halflife 2 or wanna play farcry, return that 5200 and get an x600 when its available.

1) 5200 = feature-updated SLOWER geforce3 core. it's not doom3 material, and its not really anything recent material.

2) right now, nvidia cards are only faster at doom3 (roughly speaking). so only get one if you plan on a lot of it. and it seems like you're already bored of doom3, so consider the future.

also, i'm not an ati fanboy. i have an nvidia 6800 ultra oc.
the issue with ati and nvidia recently is that ATI is faster at EVERYTHING, except Doom3. And in doom3 ATI is like 60% the speed of nvidia. so consider what you want to play.

Edfilho said:
2x128 = 256 :)
248+8 = 256... this "less 8 MB" is usually caused by onboard video. He should check his BIOS setup and disable anything related to it.

Doom3 is knida boring, after shooting imps for 5 hrs I got tired of it. I found Prince of Persia and Tron 2.0 to be a lot more fun.

Anyway, it's a glorified tech demo. Let us wait for the games other companies will make after licensing the engine.

1. I AM supposed to have 256, so i think checking my bios is a good idea. :)

2. Yeah, i reached the level with all the hull breaches before i realized how boring it was. There wasnt even any rewarding cutscene when i had defeated the first boss creature. It was just like killing any other pathetic critter the game is filled with. The damn thing isnt even scary. :(
Wow, now THAT was surely very educative, thanks a lot, scheherazade.

The problem with the 5200 vs x600 for me is that anything above the botton cards (i.e.: GF4mx, FX5200, Radeon9200) is VERY expensive in brazil. And the shops are all working with the generation before the latest (5xxx for nvidia and 9xxx for ATi).

Besides that, adding a nice card like the X600 will surely be to a system like mine would probably waste a lot of the card's power. My Mobo only supports AGP 4x and older athlons, like the 1.3GHZ I have.

I bought a 5200 simply so I could play games that require pixel shaders, like Prince of Persia (which really amazed me), Thief 3, Deus Ex 2 and Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow.

But, once again, I'd like to thank you for your advice.

I do plan on REALLY upgrading my system. But first I have to 1) visit my sister and her baby son in NY next year, 2) move to a bigger apartment here in Rio and 3) get married.

So I guess that the shoddy 5200 will have to work overtime for a while :)
You do that, and tell us what you found. BTW, you're the one who mentioned the 248 MB, are you sure of that?
Edfilho <<
have you considered getting a card from ebay? it'll be much cheaper then buying it locally. i've bought stuff for friends in south africa and saudi arabia, so i know what you mean about things being hard to get and expensive. you just have to get it from overseas somehow.

My sister is in NY now, and I'll visit her next year, when I plan on getting something like a X700 or 6600 :) The FX5200 is just meant to give my machine compatibility with games like PoP... I have to save money for the trip anyway.
i played it yesterday @ a friends home. it's a cool game, but i'm more looking forward to Half Life 2