

Vice Admiral
Due to threat of Hurricane Isabel, i advise anyone livng from SC to Ny, including me to prepare for the worst.
Yah, I got NC, too, but I'm not right on the coast. I'll be warned a-plenty from living so close to Charlotte (a major NC city)
Yeah, I think the last MAJOR disaster we had was that blizzard in '93. I seem to recall though we had a more minor blizzard in, what? '98? And then there's all these tornadoes to....(I live in Pittsburgh.)
I remember a blizzard here in NC a few years back. It was great. We lived for a few days in my mom's insurance office (it was originally a residence, so it had all the neccessary stuff). The thing I remember most specifically was going outside to gather ice-cicles to put in our tea, because we didn't have an ice maker there.