Hi there! I am new!


I am followint the WC Saga since i ve heart that you tried o make a WC mod 4 Conquest Frontier Wars. Well i know that it was not possible to do that. but now you go on to make one for hw2.
i really look forward to it!

now something in german:

hi tolwyn, du kennst mich aus dem icq. habe auch schon mal was für die alte seite übersetzt (musste ich aus zeitmangel aufgeben)
freue mich aber wie gesagt schon auf den wc mod für hw2. evtl. komme ich wieder dazu was zu übersetzen, dalls da noch interesse besteht.

on behalf of the teams I welcome you here.

I'm glad to see someone who has kept interest since the beginning
and if i translate that right, it says you were the translator(English to German) of the old site?
And that you had to stop for a lack of time, also you ask if you might translate it once again?

First and formost I see no problem, depends on if The Co-Founder of WCS Tolwyn says yes or no.