

I resist long enough with registration (some months i suppose)...
but... this place is too good :P And probably only place when i can love Wing Commander without looking stupid for my friends :>

Glad to have you with us! Browse around, there's a lot of great stuff here, plus you have shown up just in time for the first episode of Standoff... which would be tomorrow!

I admit it, I'm just glad to have my language bar back *kicks winXP* but welcome to the forums! :D Hope you try standoff tomorrow, I've got a feeling its going to be BIG.

I'm actually a polish guy, but Yoshinobu Tokugawa was a great shogun anyway :)

I'm afraid playing other wing commander games. Actually I only finished wing commander 2 countless times (i suppose my result is no record here :D) And.. i don't want to eclipse it by any other... WC2 is soo great for me.

Ok. Privateer, was to cool to end it, maybe this time .... everything is so beautifull when dosbox came out. It's really nice to have advanced software scaller so I currently plaing (for a first time, i don't count that one when i was so young that i didn't understand english language) WC1 at 960x600

sweet :P cockpits looks nice too, but i'll not bore you more :>

I just love battlecruisers since i was a kid, but i'm sure about my 'disease' since I actually liked Wing Commander movie.. :p :p
WC2 is the most emotional Wing game out there. Back then when we could choose our own character's name. It was also a technological leap at its time.

But then, each and every WC game that came out was a technological advancement then.

Welcome aboard, tokugawa.