Hail to the king, baby


gh0d (Administrator)
Today (6/22) is Bruce Campbell's 45th birthday. In the spirit of that, the following "why not?" question came to mind:

What's your favorite Bruce scene? TV or movies, doesn't matter.
Umm... howabout:

"Shop smart... shop S mart.... YA GOT THAT!?!?!?!"


"See this? This... is my BOOM STICK!!!!"

or maybe just the whole "Army of Darkness" movie.

Edit: I forgot "Shed!"
Since I've only seen Army of Darkness, that'd have to be "Let's go, she-bitch" *chainsaw rev*.

Actually, I've also played Tachyon: The Fringe, but nothing there comes to mind.
Alright, this thread has been here for awhile now, and it's only garnered three replies?! I'm dissapointed in you CZ, very dissapointed :( .
I think Bruce was at his best on Evil Dead 2... Army of Darkness looks more like a comedy than a terror movie to me.

And in Evil Dead 1 he did some crappy acting, but still was the best actor in that movie.

Is this any good?
Army of Darkness was suppossed to be a comedy instead of a horror movie. At least that's what I was always told. Maybe it's one of those things like when your parents tell you the clouds are made out of mashed potatoes.... :confused:
I didn't watch it with any regularity until the first DVD set came out -- and I pretty much watched it straight through over a weekend... it was a lot of fun.
"Bubba Ho-tep" is probably Campbell's best movie and best performance of his career.
i loved all the moveies, but evil 1 was ment to be pure horror, though becuase of the age, some of thge gore just made u roll over laughing, like where he squished the hand of the demon in the door and its just a sponge filled with dye....lol

evil dead 2 was ment to be horror/comedy and it played comedy bettert then horror, gotto love the bit where he shoot his hand with the shotty, and a trickle of blood comes out he goes "got ya, sucker" then gets downed by a wave of watered down blood. lol

army of darkness was just a pure comedy, plain and simple, funny stuff, when his self beats him up jumping round going "your a little goody 2 shoes a little goody 2 shoes" then gets shot and hacked to peices with a chainsaw and gets dirt in his mouth.

man i know all these movies of by hard its quite sad, ah well cult classics
Anyone buy his autobiography? I read that thing in like, a week. I haven't read a book that fast since I finished reading Star Wars books a while ago.
u missunderstand the person, chopper reid is an australian criminal, Eric Banna did a movie of his life, hes a nutta, he cut his ears of to get out of jail, hes killed more then 20 drug dealers, and been in jail more then 20 out of his 45 yrs