i loved all the moveies, but evil 1 was ment to be pure horror, though becuase of the age, some of thge gore just made u roll over laughing, like where he squished the hand of the demon in the door and its just a sponge filled with dye....lol
evil dead 2 was ment to be horror/comedy and it played comedy bettert then horror, gotto love the bit where he shoot his hand with the shotty, and a trickle of blood comes out he goes "got ya, sucker" then gets downed by a wave of watered down blood. lol
army of darkness was just a pure comedy, plain and simple, funny stuff, when his self beats him up jumping round going "your a little goody 2 shoes a little goody 2 shoes" then gets shot and hacked to peices with a chainsaw and gets dirt in his mouth.
man i know all these movies of by hard its quite sad, ah well cult classics