Ground Attack, WooHoo!!


Vice Admiral
Looking at those pics for project freedom makes it seem that there will be ground attack missions in the game. I'm all giddy :D
I miss the old mud movin missions from WC4, when you had to fight your way to the planet and then deal with the ground targets and SAM sites.
Hopefully City Interactive will put out some good editing tools and we can make a kick ass WC sim. :cool:
To tell you the truth, I don't expect much from this game. I've never heard nothing about this City Interactive, and the other games they've done... I'll wait and see.
Anyone heard anything about Echelon: Wind Warriors? It looks all kinds of pretty and apparently features a lot of antiarmor and dogfighting, so it may be worth looking at for a conversion.
From the reviews Echelon looked fairly nice, but played aweful. I only tried the demo and shared the view.

Anone tried Yager BTW? Looks a lot like Crimson Skies, but in the furure from what I saw. Never tried it tho as the demo needed SSE support so my Athlon won't run it.
well...outside of Wing Commander, looks like the best alternatives would be the Death Star Missions from X-Wing...I especially like the second of those missions, where there is a single T/A...sorry Vader, but you're going for a little spacewalk before I let the DS I burn

Well, since the WC days I've been searching for a very long time for a good space sim that can make me feel the same about a game as WC did. But, unfortunately, to no avail. Echelon didn't play well... Yager was fun, I spose, if you can stand the apparent 'witty quips' your character constantly makes which are not funny at all and really.. really.. just annoying. It's also rather arcadish. X2 and many others just didn't cut it, unfortunately. Anyone else found anything satisfactory? (Apart from the great MODs being brought out, of course! ;)) double points if your a Babylon 5 fan.

Tachyon was fun for the little bit I got to play it but is ugly by todays standards, although playing tag through a space station is amusing.

X-Wing Alliance was good enough.

The Independence War games were apparently fun if you got into the simulation/command. I didnt play either enough to do so (just demo).

Thats about it... we've been sadly short on really outstanding space games.
Tempest said:
Yager was fun, I spose, if you can stand the apparent 'witty quips' your character constantly makes which are not funny at all and really.. really.. just annoying. It's also rather arcadish.

How would you rate it compared to Crimson Skies?
X-Wing Alliance was the finest random pieces of space junk collecting simulator the late nineties had to offer.

"You killed your first TIE Fighter! Here's some crap to put in your room!"
By the end of that game, your medals and stuff probably accounted for a third of the ship's mass.
cff said:
How would you rate it compared to Crimson Skies?

Personally, I enjoyed Crimson Skies more for the whole package, but I'd say that the flying enjoyment and story of Yager is a pretty close comparison. If you enjoyed Crimson Skies, you'll most likely enjoy Yager, too. Difference is, in Yager you have the more arcadey feel of finding powerups and boosts and you 'discover' weapon packs, moreso than being outfitted with them. For me, that was kind of a downer, but only because I have very WCish standards when playing new games.