Fun Privateer Alpha Differences Starting to Emerge (August 22, 2024)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
It's been five days since we shared the amazing alpha version of Wing Commander Privateer. Even though it was a cut from just six weeks before the game was complete, Wingnuts have already found some stark differences. Many of the physical locations have subtle changes in texture or color, and the faces are often unrecognizable. There's quite a few interesting dialogue tweaks and stat/price differences as well as a number of bugs. For example, the Comm VDU doesn't always show correctly, but Zyxophoj discovered that it still works even when invisible. Not everyone has time to play through these types of items, so he's put together a fun video for you to kick back and watch.

I know I play old games, but maybe they could be a little bit older? An alpha build of Privateer, from about 6 weeks before the initial release, has been discovered. A big shout out to Ben Lesnick is warranted here for spending $500 on this, so the rest of us can download it for free.

It looks like the programmers really worked their arses off fixing bugs in the last 6 weeks. And, regrettably, removing a few gamer words from the in-game dialog.

Also thanks to DMJC for the New Constantinople comparison!

Original update published on August 22, 2024