Friday was kinda weird

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A totally burned body was found in a scenic rose garden only a block from my apartment AND I met Bob Hope's son Kelly AND a speeding car missed hitting me by an inch or less as it flew around a mail truck which had stopped to let me cross the street.
here's how it really was. Bob hopes son Kelly has a stalker who saw you meeting Kelly. in a fit of jealous rage, he got drunk and tried to hit you with his car. having failed, he accidently hit a pole, the car ignited, and he was flung a city block away, screaming, drunk, and on fire...he burned quickly because his BAC was so high.

there's nothing that can't be solved by gratuitis application of simple logic. :)
Do they know why the body was burned or any idea who it was? I saw a really interesting show on spontaneous combustion once. A person was found completely burned to a cinder in their home. They burned to death on their couch, yet oddly enough nothing else in the house caught fire. It was just all sooty around the corpse.

The makers of the show were curious why that was. One of their experiments was with a really huge pig they bought at the butcher shop, doused in gasoline and set it on fire in a simulated bedroom. The pig burned for about 14 hours and reached temperatures to I think about 600 degrees. Nothing else caught fire in the room though. Not the carpet, or the bed or dresser. However, the tv did get extremely warped.

But that burned body by your home was probably a homicide. And I'm sure you're thinking, "Well duh!" Nevertheless, that would really weird me out if that happened to close to me. So my heart sincerely goes out to you man.
Actually, grisly murders are not at all unusual in my little town, I think this one makes 39 for the year and it's only half over. However grisly murders (or spontaneous combustions) are rather rare in my particular sheltered neighborhood. That rose garden used to be a nice place to take a walk or have a picnic with the girlfriend, not anymore I guess.
I spent most of friday at work. I worked my behind off trying to get ahead for monday, because we're getting a new guy to run the foam gun on monday, and I have to train him. Ungh . . . foam gun . . .
McGruff said:
Actually, grisly murders are not at all unusual in my little town, I think this one makes 39 for the year and it's only half over.

wow, I think all of canada has had about 39 murders this year. I think the last guy to get murdered in my town was in the 60s and I think it was found to be an accident anyways.
I was exaggerating because we have so many less murders than the US and murders in the arctic regions arent murders, they're sympathy killings lol
world lights.jpg

Some day Canada might even get electricity.
ChrisReid said:
Yeah, ace's mom bought me a scrambler at Denny's. Friday was totally weird.

That's nothing. Some high school basketball player, (very good player, the pros wanted him) last year or so, his mom gave him a Hummer.
I had chinese take-out on Friday. Coincidentally, I rode to the take-out place in a Hummer (not Lebron's though). And not one of those sissy H2's either.
This happened on friday:


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