Forum Settings 3rd

gevatter Lars

Vice Admiral
Forum settings

I just want to ask if I can change the order of the messages in a topic so that the oldest are first and the newest last.
Hope you get it....
As we've said a dozen times before, no, you can't.

Also, your signature is too long. Trim it to 4 lines or less.

Finally, this doesn't belong in Tech Support.
Forum setting second

OK you closed the last one so I made a new one...
1) Why don't you change that or give the user the possibility to do so...if he wants it.
2) Where else should I post this if not here
3) No I don't think its to long...I have allready shortend it !
What you've done here is like the stupidest thing possible. I'm just gonna close this because I'm nice. Pray that Kris is in a good mood when he gets home.
Re: Forum setting second

Originally posted by gevatter Lars
OK you closed the last one so I made a new one...
Makes sense to me!
1) Why don't you change that or give the user the possibility to do so...if he wants it.
The board software does not have the option of doing that. I could change the software, but I don't feel like doing that every time vB releases an updated version. Tell the people if you want it to be an option.
2) Where else should I post this if not here
Contact the administration, either via email (link in the footer) or via PM if you have the option. (See rule #9)
3) No I don't think its to long...I have allready shortend it !
I don't care what you think. 4 lines is not just a good idea, it's the law.
Ah Kris posted the same time while I have written this...sorry

Well thanks for that clear answere...I will do as you say next time...just didn't know all the rules.

About the software...Dosn't HLP also use the vB software? There it is possible as far as I know. Maybe you could contact them and ask....but I can life with its up to you.
I know it can be done. I just don't want to make any changes to the code that I'd have to do again every time they came out with a new version.