Former Marine accused of shooting helicopter no-show in court

From Full Metal Jacket:

"And where did these individuals learn how to shoot?"

"Sir, IN THE MARINES, sir!"
Damn one shot. I wonder what he hit to bring it down. The only thing I would think that he could have hit would have been engine. Even then a single rifle bullet would be hard pressed to take out a jet engine such as the one the Hughes 500. However, I'm not very experienced when it comes to the conventional Helicopter. I'm more of a Twin Co-axial man my self, but thats another story
He may have shot the tail rotor. I wonder what type of gun he used? Of course he pleaded "not guilty" so it must not've been him ;) . I wonder if he'll try to find the "real killers" like OJ is trying to do?
Mjr. Whoopass said:
Of course he pleaded "not guilty" so it must not've been him ;) . I wonder if he'll try to find the "real killers" like OJ is trying to do?

That's going to mainly boil down to him thinking he doesn't believe he's guilty of comitting a crime or responsible for his actions. Although the article says he claims to not have done it, there's overwhelming evidence in this case and it doesn't seem like his attorney will actually present any alternative besides post-traumatic stress disorder or something like that.