Fav musicals

Fenris Ulven

whats your fav musicals? Mine is Les miserable or phantom of the opera im not sure wich i like best. "wich wich" is also very good.
My favorite musical is the one where on and off the cast spontaneously breaks into song for no apparent reason. God, which one was that? I had just never seen anything like it.
Shipgate said:
My favorite musical is the one where on and off the cast spontaneously breaks into song for no apparent reason.
There are plenty of reasons! Here are some of them:
In love
And so on

There you have it, any sort of emotion at all is just cause for song. It makes perfect sense.
I like musicals where mean green bloodthirsty carniverous singing plants from outer space land on earth and start devouring people in the ghetto.
Oooooh Dr. Zeuss

I like musicals where they go, "I hate every ape I see from chimpan A to chimpan Z. No you'll never make a monkey out of me. Oh my gosh I was wrong. It was earth all along...."
Musicals are completely different when you're in the pit for them. I played JC superstar, and that was a BLAST. I have yet to get the image of Pontius Pilate in shiny leather pants out of my head.
~Prove to me that you're no fool, walk across my swimming pool!~
havent anybody seen the musicals about the time were they burned the witch. its called "wich wich" or something and i thing its norwegian

i like: do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men, this is the music of a people that not will be slaves again- les miserable
Shipgate said:
I like musicals where they go, "I hate every ape I see from chimpan A to chimpan Z. No you'll never make a monkey out of me. Oh my gosh I was wrong. It was earth all along...."

He can talk
He can talk
He can talk
He can talk
He can talk

"I can siiiing!"
yeah, that reminds me. the Simpsons musical episode was pretty funny.

Buffy Musical episode was amazing, the man underneath that demon mask was one hell of a vocalist.
.............It could be called "Cats"

I hate every cat I see

From Kilrath-A to Kilrath-E

But they'll never make a pilot out of me
McGruff said:
.............It could be called "Cats"

I hate every cat I see

From Kilrath-A to Kilrath-E

But they'll never make a pilot out of me

Say, that was actually pretty good.
Way to go BRO!
McGruff said:
I like musicals where mean green bloodthirsty carniverous singing plants from outer space land on earth and start devouring people in the ghetto.

Yeah I like that one too, all others can suck a .....

The dentist number has to be my favorite musical number in a movie of all time.
Now that I think about it, the South PArk movie was a musical too and I loved that one.... so all others can go suck a...