Fan Made Indiana Jones Demo

Had a hard time getting it to run at first, but it's about as close to the original as you could hope. I thought it was quite good. The art style is dead-on to The Fate of Atlantis. The only thing missing that I could see were the keyboard shortcuts and more verbal feedback from Indy when something didn't work.
Other than that - this is a good example of a fan-made game. Although it is only a demo. Anyone who's interested in older, classic games should check this out.
Delance said:
Again with the nazis? Indie should kick some commie ass.
Eh, that would be pretty silly. The communists, by definition, cannot travel around the world searching for religious artifacts that will give them Ultimate Power(tm), because their ideology stops them from believing in such things.
Quarto said:
Eh, that would be pretty silly. The communists, by definition, cannot travel around the world searching for religious artifacts that will give them Ultimate Power(tm), because their ideology stops them from believing in such things.

Last time I checked, the Communist Party was more or less just a couple hundred loyalists in a country of many millions.
LeHah said:
Last time I checked, the Communist Party was more or less just a couple hundred loyalists in a country of many millions.
So, what's your point? The couple hundred loyalists are the ones that called the shots... and in any case, Communist Party had millions of members, most of whom were either hardcore communists (yes, there are such creatures) or shameless opportunists who didn't believe in anything except themselves. All in all, it's certainly not the kind of people who'd travel around looking for the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy Grail.
I suspect that the communists would find a way to justify anything that empowered them. Maybe they would say that the properties are of natural (maybe even extraterrestrial) and not religious origin? I understand that some people think that the Ark of the Covenant was an electrical device. Here's a quote from an archived webpage from March 11, 2005:

While some ponder the whereabouts of the Ark, others search for a scientific explanation of its miraculous powers.

In the late 1990s, for example, author Richard Andrews, who had worked in his youth as a furniture builder, constructed a replica of the Ark, following the precise instructions given in the Bible. He and others have a theory that explained how Aaron's sons might have been struck dead by merely touching the Ark. The object's design, they note, essentially made it a giant capacitor, capable of storing electrical energy. "Gold is one of the best conductors of electricity there is, while wood is one of the best insulators," Andrews wrote in a 1999 article for the Daily Mail, a British newspaper. "If the Israelites had set out to construct a primitive accumulator, they could hardly have picked a better design than the Ark." Subsequent tests of Andrews' model at a college laboratory confirmed that his Ark could accumulate and release an electrical charge.

The Ark was portable, and before being stored in the Holy of Holies, it was carried around the dry, hot desert environment of Israel. Andrews theorizes that the friction of the heated air against the Ark allowed it to accumulate static electricity, much in the same way that a car can do so on a hot day. "The strength of the charge would depend on variables such as humidity and temperature, but also length, speed and bumpiness of journey," he wrote. "There is no reason why the charge could not be lethal."

I don't know how accurate any of this is but it is thought provoking.

As for the demo, I admire the spirit of the undertaking but wonder if a "cease and desist" letter isn't in the mail.
st3lt3k said:
I suspect that the communists would find a way to justify anything that empowered them.
You're missing the point -- No Soviet ruler was ever notorious for seeking legendary artifacts of great power. Hitler actually did think that maybe if he found the Ark of the Covenant he could rule the world more easily. Stalin did not.
Besides the issue regarding religious artifacts, there's also the fact that, at it's heart, the Indiana Jones series is based on the pulp fiction of the late 30s, where Nazis were The Bad Guy™, and communists not really considered that much of an issue.
st3lt3k said:
I don't know how accurate any of this is but it is thought provoking.
Now, now, astonishingly idiotic is definitely not synonymous with thought-provoking.
. . . Moses was undoubtedly a practical and skillful electrician far in advance of his time. The Bible describes precisely and minutely arrangements constituting a machine in which electricity was generated by friction of air against silk curtains and stored in a box constructed like a condenser.

It is very plausible to assume that the sons of Aaron were killed by a high tension discharge and that the vestal fires of the Romans were electrical.

Nikola Tesla, The Fairy Tale of Electricity, 1915
Quarto said:
Eh, that would be pretty silly. The communists, by definition, cannot travel around the world searching for religious artifacts that will give them Ultimate Power(tm), because their ideology stops them from believing in such things.

Unlike the very realistic way the Nazis had a base on British-held Egypt? Besides, some reputable academic works link some types of marxism with occutism. Besides, well, who cares? In which way is communism contrary to the Fountain of Youth or Atlantis?

What I had in mind was the timeline, maybe Indie could have an adventure on the late 40's or early 50's for a change. This was done on "Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine".
st3lt3k said:
I don't understand.
Well, my point was that it's pretty idiotic to interpret Biblical miracles and other ancient events with such arguments - and Tesla's article illustrates this very well, by showing just how absurd such interpretations can get. Aaron killed by static electricity, Vestal Virgins maintaining an electrical fire?

...And I suppose the dinosaurs were in fact wiped out by a nuclear explosion that mankind's rodent ancestors accidentally set off by splitting a uranium atom with their claws while foraging for grubs? Or were they also the victims of static electricity? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Really, how is Tesla's argument different to Erich Von Daniken's claims that the Israelites were helped in the desert by extra-terrestrials who built them a food-generating machine? Both are equally possible (that is to say, neither case is even remotely likely, but strictly speaking, there is no reason for either to be completely impossible), and both are based on absolutely no evidence whatsoever.

In any event, what do you think of the Indiana Jones demo?
Haven't downloaded it yet.