Comments on WC Mission guides doesn't work


Rear Admiral
HI! I want to comment one mission, but I've got Error 500 (internal server error). Will someone fix this?
Comments are disabled because spammers started hitting all of the pages.

Depending on what mission you want to comment on, you can do the same in WCPedia if that mission page has been created. We got through most of WC1, but if it's a later game we have not created mission pages for them all.
Comments are disabled because spammers started hitting all of the pages.

Depending on what mission you want to comment on, you can do the same in WCPedia if that mission page has been created. We got through most of WC1, but if it's a later game we have not created mission pages for them all.

It's funny, I was going to suggest this too - but what's weirder is that the same day OSH made this thread I was going to comment on the WC3 Kilrah guide. Somebody has said to leave Maniac and Flash at home for that operation because they won't obey orders, but I remembered during a recent play-through that for the Kilrah run your wingmen will obey everything you say. It's quite strange hearing Maniac say "You got it."
It's funny, I was going to suggest this too - but what's weirder is that the same day OSH made this thread I was going to comment on the WC3 Kilrah guide. Somebody has said to leave Maniac and Flash at home for that operation because they won't obey orders, but I remembered during a recent play-through that for the Kilrah run your wingmen will obey everything you say. It's quite strange hearing Maniac say "You got it."

I always took Maniac along, he's fine in the mission, for a change, probably cacking his pants