Chomsky and the Lord of the Rings


Victory, you say?
Very amusing.

Chomsky: And, as you pointed out earlier, the military-industrial-complex that exists in Gondor. This constant state of alertness. This constant state of fear. And here Gandalf reveals his true nature.

Zinn: Indeed. Gandalf darkens the room and yells at poor Bilbo for rightfully accusing him of trying to steal his ring. It is abundantly obvious that Gandalf wants to steal the ring. But if he is caught with the ring himself, his pretext will dissolve. He needs to throw as much plausible deniability into his scheme as possible, which is why, later, he has Frodo carry the ring for him.
Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn can go fist themselves.

No . . . belay that . . . they can double-fist themselves, like Gigantor.

Gigantor, Gigantor, Gigantor.

Gigantor the space aged robot,
He is at your command.
Gigantor the space aged robot,
His power is in your hand.

Bigger than big, taller than tall,
Quicker than quick, stronger than strong.
Ready to fight for right, against wrong.
Gigantor, Gigantor, Gigantor.

I'm fairly sure that this is a bit of a spoof. Chomsky and Zinn may tilt a few degrees to the left... but they aren't quite as crazy as portrayed there.

You know, I think I'm going to show this to some of my extreme-left friends, and tell them that this is what they sound like to normal people.

My favorite part:
Zinn: Well, look how the Orcs grow up. What do you expect?

Chomsky: I mean, what other options have they?

Zinn: I dare say that, were I an Orc, I might possibly be one of those terrorist Orcs, shooting arrows at the Fellowship myself.
You really think there are much more degrees Chomsky can tilt left? And yeah, it was written by someone else.

Now Imagine those guys debating the Kilrathi war with this rethoric. Poor Kilrathi, opressed by the capitalism of Confed, or something like that.
Chomsky and Zinn are both intelligent men (Like myself Chomsky is an anthropologist) and it sounds like someone just tried to be funny. Good attempt but these guys I think might have better things to do then critque LOTR