Centurion Questions



Hi, it's Sphynx. I forgot to sign in.

I finally purchased a Centurion (que angelic choir sound), and I've noticed a few things.

1.) Mission objectives are not displayed the way the were in the Tarsus. I can scroll back up in my messages to see them, but they are not persistently displayed like they were in the Tarsus Cockpit.

2.) I finally bought torpedos. But, it seemed like they fired when I pulled my primary trigger, instead of on a command with my secondary weapons. Also, they all launched very quickly (and annihalated a single retro Talon... what a waste!! I was aiming for a pirate Drayman). I read the manual... can someone clue me in to how torpedoes are supposed to work? I was expecting a long lock time, and was very surpirsed that my primary trigger sent them off.

3.) Now that I've got a tougher ship, I will work on the main campaign more dilligently to work out any bugs (Gothris are still a major menace, though). I just wasn't surviving very well in my old Tarsus.

4.) I stripped everything off of my Tarsus and sold it, but I can't seem to be able to sell the ship itself. I've tried it at several locations, including Perry Naval Base (I figured, who is more likely to buy a ship than a shipyard/naval base). Any suggestions.

5. In Perry, I've accepted several missions to go after Dralthis, but I always run into multiple Gothris instead. I'm not sure if I've actually made it to the mission waypoint though (since the objectives are not being displayed persistently, I don't see the change of color in the "you must visit x" objective to let me know that I've made it... and I still don't survive very long vs. 3-4 Gothris, since I'm still only armed with 2 lasers and 2 mass drivers. Those Dralthis were supposed to give me the credits for an upgrade!)
1) yes the Centurion is more of an advanced ship... you need to hit 'o' to see objectives. We didn't want to clutter up the visual space that we were happy to clutter with that old rusty tarsus
2) when you buy torps you need to hit 'g' a few times to unselect them till youneed them... perhaps one day I'll figure out how to trigger them with enter
3) cool :) ya with that report that the last mission is busted--we reall yneed more people to test it and see if they can reproduce the problem (we can't...works fine here)
4) you should be able to go to ship daeler select it in my fleet and click sell... no? I'll give that a try--it worked fine for me.
5) yes this is a known (and fixed in development version) bug
2) when you buy torps you need to hit 'g' a few times to unselect them till youneed them... perhaps one day I'll figure out how to trigger them with enter
Note that this is because they are currently treated as guns. 'g' cycles through guns obviously.
I was expecting a long lock time, and was very surpirsed that my primary trigger sent them off.
Torpedos were slightly different in Privateer. They required no lock on time, as they were unguided. They were basically powerful dumbfires, with a better refire rate.
I stripped everything off of my Tarsus and sold it, but I can't seem to be able to sell the ship itself. I've tried it at several locations, including Perry Naval Base (I figured, who is more likely to buy a ship than a shipyard/naval base). Any suggestions.
You are the second person reporting this, though neither hellcat nor I can reproduce it.. can anyone else confirm if you can or can not sell your tarsus? Ship dealer, my fleet, select tarsus, press 'sell'
Sphynx again. Maybe one of these days I'll sign in when I post.
I went to the ship dealer, went to my fleet, selecte my Tarsus, pressed sell.... and nothing happened. I've tried it 6 or 7 times in various locations, and I still can't sell that rusty old bucket.
Re: selling ship

AFAIK its to do with the .exe from VS. I ran across a similar problem in VS while updating the manual for My Fleet. It appears to be a bug to do with the starting/original refurbished ship only. All other ships (as long as it is not your current ship) can be sold, just not the original.

Could it be because the original ship is characterised as Stock (Refurbished), but all others are Stock or Milspec?

Apologies if already solved.
Interesting debugging procedure Silverain...I'll certainly check into it ;-)
course it never hurts to have that old rust bucket around--never know when you can get another one
hellcatv said:
Interesting debugging procedure Silverain...I'll certainly check into it ;-)
course it never hurts to have that old rust bucket around--never know when you can get another one

I call it 'Now what does this button do? ... Oops, that wasn't good' :)

Keeping the rust bucket around is fine (you have a backup ship - useful in VS engine with ejection pod capability), but most players will probably want to rely on its value (if any) to use towards the next ship.