Catch Up On Your Ship Identification (May 13, 2007)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
When it comes to Wing Commander Arena's ships, we're only half way there! Recent movies have upped the total number of 'hangar views' to nine -- out of eighteen total. We've yet to see two Arrows, two Darkets, two Paktahns and three Broadswords. The name "Broadsword Executioner" has also been revealed - but we haven't seen its hangar 'shot yet. Here's what we have so far, from left to right: F-27 Arrow Guardian, F-44 Rapier II Blade, F-44 Rapier II Vanguard, F-44 Rapier II Cavalier, Darket Stalker, Dralthi Striker, Dralthi Shank, Dralthi Rhino and Paktahn Phantom.

Original update published on May 13, 2007