OK! I finally got the local clergyman to allow me to use his camera, and I came up with these pics. It took some time to shape the underbubble, and as you've seen before, some flesh
, but its almost done! I plan on getting my hands on some more cardboard to make a Gettysburg Destroyer, A Lexington Carrier, Ranger, and maybe even a Concordia. I hope you guys like it, as I've put a lot of work into it.
To finish it up, I'm going to get some masking tape, and squaring the edges, and painting it using Marc's paint scheme. I'm also going to get some styrofoam balls and some hobby sticks for the turrets, and some miniature drinking cups for the radar silos, and the engine ports.
Heres a side image with the newly constructed Nacelles, the turrets are being worked on right now, so check back in a bit.
Here's a little backdoor action
And finally, as of yet, the famous opening scene (kinda) to WC2