BREAKING NEWS: New HD Movies & Preview Article (May 10, 2007)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
IGN join the frey with even more exciting Wing Commander Arena content -- an all-new preview and two High Definition gameplay videos! They have to be seen to be believed! You can watch the videos here and read the entire preview here. From the Preview:
Your choice of craft also determines what types of special maneuvers are available. All can be piloted with the two thumbsticks, but the two lighter models are capable of performing forward and backward loops, hops, 180 degree turns, and barrel rolls. The heavier ships turn much more slowly and can't perform such acrobatics, instead relying on their thicker armor and more powerful weaponry and gadgets. The game maps all four of your ships weapons to the triggers and bumpers, all of which can be fired simultaneously. Assuming you can get on someone's tail, they go down pretty quickly. Pressing Y activates the more specialized gadgets, which include flares, cloaks, and sonar.
  • Video #1 - "Shoot Those Missiles" (43.9 MB, .WMV)
  • Video #2 - "Do a Barrel Roll" (48.7 MB, .WMV)

Original update published on May 10, 2007
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