Being Knighted

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Rear Admiral
I guess this is sort of a question to anyone who either lives in the UK or knows a lot about knighthood. Just was does that title mean anyway? Lately I've been noticing mainly famous actors or musicians being given the title of sir. What exactly does that mean for anybody?

I was reading in the news quirks about how Ben Kingsley recently was knighted and on the set of the new movie he is working on it was reported that if people didn't address him as Sir Ben Kingsley then he would just ignore him. If I ran into Paul McCartney on the street, I think I'd just be like. "Hey ya, fella...."

Does anyone get knighted for actually doing real important things? Like taking a bullet for the British Museum? Explain this to me please.
basically, being knighted is being provided with a title - specifically that of sir, in actual fact the title refers to the award of knight of the british empire, traditionally granted to someone who has served king and country in some way (historically, usually militarily, however this is less common these days) the difference between its granting and that of a more traditional title - ie that of lord or some baronial title, is that the title of knight, is not a peerage, it is simply for you, and not for your family, which in historical terms, the lords and barons were (ie the title passed from father to son) - admittedly these days the title of lord has also become a non-peerage title. importantly there are the 3rd series of titles belonging to the aristocracy predominantly, that of earl and duke - which have if anything become more "royal family" titles recently.

pretty much a knighthood is the highest accolade a normal man HIMSELF can be given and it refers to the british empire positions (much like the OBE, MBE and the CBE) put simply, its a singification that a person has done something of note in their specific field, they are usually granted for a reason such as "for services to cinematography" etc.

effective results of a modern title - you get to sign your name with Sir, in the mediaeval period however you could probably expect a small provision of land and wealth too
Okay, so a normal person who is knighted then doesn't mean that its a hereditary title, it's just for him.

Could you maybe explain to me what it means to you to have a queen. I've noticed how it is said there, "God save the queen." And surely she will be saved being behind this huge iron fence protected with guards inside a huge palace. So Eddie Izzard put it.

Are you an Eddie Izzard fan by chance? His stand-up comedy film Glorious was so funny. He's one of the few comedians that I could easily watch his act for over two hours if I wanted to.
yeah youre right about the knight, its just a "well done lad" for people

er, the national anthem refers more to the monarchs religious position, following the reformation in britain in henry the VIII'ths rule and the startup of the Church of England, the monarch became "gods representative on earth" ie the pope for the CoE so in that respect the national anthem is less about saving the queen in the physical sense. that said though, it is about God helping the monarch to fulfil his or her role in government and in ruling the country, and to make the difficult decisions in that ;) (it also features a couple of verses and lines about generally lining the queens pocket and killing the scots, but we shouldnt worry about that ;)

izzard is pretty amusing, if at times perhaps a little under-read in the topics he speaks of, still, he's always fun to watch in action!

finally with reference to the queens palace, buckingham hardly classes as a defensive fortress and whilst she does its true have a 500 strong battalion defending her at all times, she also performs on average 3 public appearances a day - when she doesnt have the army or the fence with her! a couple of Mi6 men have to suffice!

anyway, off to work :( sigh
Madman said:
([the British nat'l anthem] also features a couple of verses and lines about generally lining the queens pocket and killing the scots, but we shouldnt worry about that ;)

Well, there's a reason the third verse of the Star Spangled Banner isn't normally sung...

(fixed the UK/England thing)
dont know the star spangled banner death, being english ;) ironically of course, england itself only has god save the queen as a national anthem, whereas every other country in the united kingdom has a seperate one as well - we feel left out :( on the upside, the unified national anthem shows that they suck ;) (no offence to other brits :D)

Edit: having glanced that link death, the 3rd verse to me reads like a reference to the civil war, perhaps im missing the american irony ;)
I can't stand our national anthem. It makes me cringe. It's actually kind of hard to sing as well. We need a new one. Seems normal to retire old ones doesn't it? It should be replaced with Radiohead's National Anthem from Kid A.
Madman said:
Edit: having glanced that link death, the 3rd verse to me reads like a reference to the civil war, perhaps im missing the american irony ;)
I'm pretty sure that The Star Spangled Banner was written during or immediately after the war of 1812, so the villains in question are definitely the British ;).
Shipgate said:
I can't stand our national anthem. It makes me cringe. It's actually kind of hard to sing as well. We need a new one. Seems normal to retire old ones doesn't it? It should be replaced with Radiohead's National Anthem from Kid A.

While we're at it, why don't we retire the American flag and replace it with something else. Because it's old.

I really like the National Anthem - as opposed to cringes, I get shivers whenever it's played, like at ballgames or at state ceremonies (except when some popstar butchers it). The fact that it's difficult to sing is one of the reasons I like it so much. Besides, the first verse is an excellent metaphor for the American nation. Through difficult times it and the flag endures.
Quarto said:
I'm pretty sure that The Star Spangled Banner was written during or immediately after the war of 1812, so the villains in question are definitely the British ;).

During. The song was written by an American (Francis Scott Key) who was captured at sea (IIRC on where he was captured), and aboard a British warship that was among those attacking Ft. McHenry. The song was written after observing the bombardment ("bombs bursting in air" and so forth).
There actually is a proposal out somewhere to drop several notes down in the Star Spangled Banner to make it easier to sing. In its current form very few singers have the range to actually sing it properly.

I wouldn't get a new song though either, you need tradition and culture.
Death said:
During. The song was written by an American (Francis Scott Key) who was captured at sea (IIRC on where he was captured), and aboard a British warship that was among those attacking Ft. McHenry. The song was written after observing the bombardment ("bombs bursting in air" and so forth).

Key wasn't a captive of the British, he was a Baltimore lawyer negotiating the release of an American POW. That's why he was able to stand on the deck of the British ship and watch the bombardment of Fort McHenry.
TheRedDuke said:
While we're at it, why don't we retire the American flag and replace it with something else. Because it's old.

I really like the National Anthem - as opposed to cringes, I get shivers whenever it's played, like at ballgames or at state ceremonies (except when some popstar butchers it). The fact that it's difficult to sing is one of the reasons I like it so much. Besides, the first verse is an excellent metaphor for the American nation. Through difficult times it and the flag endures.

Yes, old is bad. Our new flag will actually feature that psychotic looking bear just to compliment the new anthem better.

Shipgate said:
Yes, old is bad. Our new flag will actually feature that psychotic looking bear just to compliment the new anthem better.

Way to stupid the hell up a thread about... flags?
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