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I, of all people, am well aware of how well Prophecy should work in Windows XP. Starcrest seemed to be having problems, though. That's why I was asking him how well Prophecy worked on his system. I don't recall anyone asking you anything.
There's a difference between trying to offer a solution to someone and simply telling them that "oh, that game you're having a problem with works great for me!" Guess which one you did.
i just posted how it works in my PC not bragging about it, AFAIK that is a solution, or someone is dead and you are the king here.
Well, it's obviously not a solution for him since he had already said that he was having trouble with the patch and the compatibility modes.

Originally posted by Ghost
or someone is dead and you are the king here.

I'd ask you to translate that for me, but I'd prefer it if you saved the squabbling for someplace else.
Yes, he can have problems with the patch installed, that is why, if you use the compatibility mode, you don´t need the patch...that is why i wrote WITHOUT the patch and the USE OF THE COMPATIBILITY MODE

It´s pretty clear what i wrote...your problem if you don´t understand.
That is your opinion., and sadly you dissapeared from #wingnut, i miss you :(
And why your need of fight with people, people understands eachoter better if they talk not if they fight :(

and BTW you were the one who started it.
Since i don´t have AOL nor Yahoo messenger, mIRC is our only option.
it seems that you understand me now!
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