Armada Never Looked Beta (November 5, 2010)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
This batch of Wing Commander Armada screenshot's was used by Origin's publications team for several years in advertisements, web sites and e-catalogs... but look closely, it's not the Armada we know!

The screenshots were taken from a very early build of the game. Because specially designed models for Armada's lower resolution engine weren't ready yet, the game used Wing Commander III's already-finished Dralthi. Then check out the instrumentation on the invisible cockpits...

Original update published on November 5, 2010
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If you want to write it ;).

Well Dosbox has upscaling and some of the alternate builds support pixelshaders which you can play around with to make the game look better.
That one Kilrathi sihouette looks a bit like a Jalkehi. Also, they seemed to have planned for some smoother (I don't know a better word) numbers, i.e. 600 maximum velocity instead of 595.