Not quite dead yet, at least my Kilrathi mod. But going very slowly. Like a turtle on codeine.
And since you asked, here is an update on my status:
I have most of the story finished now, and proofread. I will try to write the rest soon. It is all there in my head, but it is sometimes hard for me to concentrate and really write a whole chapter.
The missions are mostly complete, with a few dialogues missing, and perhaps some testing and balancing.
Concerning models, scripts and so on my mod is feature complete.
I am missing some pieces of art, the minimum being a Kilrathi player portrait (or even just a WC3 style helmet to put there). The rest is optional. I wanted to do a cool main hall like Saga has, but I suck at 3D art, and both of the guys that wanted to help me aren't anwering my emails anymore.
So while my mod is pretty far in development it lacks the final touches. I couldn't motivate anybody to help me out with it (except capi who did the proofreading). It is hard to create such a thing without somebody who kicks you in the butt sometimes, giving you a nudge forward.
So yeah, that's my status.

I don't have a clue about the others though. Haven't heard from some of the guys in quite a while.