I did not realize that I was doing anything wrong much less illegal on the board. As for giving my source of the game I admit that was careless. I was merely trying to say that indeed it was not my game and I was concerned about whether or not the problem was due to my computer or the game itself. I have only recently discovered this new term abandonware, and I did not know it was illegal. I also thought that it was only games that were protected by the IDSA that were illegal even though I really don't understand what that organization is. I would appreciate it if someone could clear this up for me before I do anything else stupid. As for my interest in Wing Commander games I have only played them up to Wing commander 2 (which was my first game and a legitament version) and would like to be able to play Wing commander 3 but I cannot find it in any stores (or on the Internet for that matter). I do not use e-bay because I am untrustful of the service. I'm sorry for doing anything wrong or caused any problems.
Fyer 2001
Fyer 2001