A Prinze Among Men (October 4, 2018)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
The Internet Archive is an incredible tool providing access to countless terabytes of archived websites, scanned media, imaged disks, preserved video... and a whole bunch of printed biographies of Freddie Prinze Jr.! While exploring the Archive's collection I happened to find they had digitally preserved six biographies of Wing Commander star Freddie Prinze Jr.! Mr. Prinze was something of a teen heartthrob in the late 1990s and so was the subject of a stack of quick 'teen pop' biographies. These 'trashy' unauthorized books were put together quickly, mostly from published interviews and press photographs, and sold at newsstands and book fairs. They were aimed at teenage fans and usually padded out their very simple chapters with press photos and film credits. Naturally, we've pulled out the chapter on Wing Commander from each book and collated them here for your reading pleasure:

Freddie Prinze Jr.: He's All That: An Unauthorized Biography by Grace Catalano (May 1999)

Freddie Prinze Jr.: The Unofficial Biography by Marc Shapiro (September 1999)

Freddie Prinze Jr. by Alexandra E. Fischer (1999) - includes Wing Commander photos and a Freddie Prinze Jr. quiz!

Celebrity Bios: Freddie Prinze Jr. by Kristin McCracken (March 2001)

Freddie Prinze Jr.: A Biography by Victoria Jordan (February 2002) - with a color Wing Commander photo!

Freddie Prinze Jr.: From Shy Guy to Movie Star by Sally Lee (September 2008) - published surprisingly late... and with a citation for a 1999 CIC article!

In the interests of completeness, we've identified three additional fluff biographies of Freddie Prinze Jr. which are not yet available in the Internet Archive. We'll try and track down copies to make available here! (Unseen: Freddie Prinze, Jr. by Michael-Anne Johns (November, 1999), Real Lfe Reader Biography: Freddie Prinze, Jr. by Wayne Wilson (October 2000) and Freddie Prinze Jr. by Lea Abrams (December 2001))

Original update published on October 4, 2018