A Happy Wing Commander-ish time!


After some years...i was reunited with the WC universe...
Started ''Fleet Action'' again, that gave me the nice old WCish feeling, so after a few days and not few technical problems i managed to setup WC1 (SM1-2), WC2 (SO1-2), WC3 and WC4DVD to run smoothly.
Believe that have many,many hours of fun ahead.

Long live WC! :D
Yep, in 2006 I replayed the entire series from WC1 - 4. Now that was fun. And earlier this year I played Prophecy for the first time. It might be a while before I play it all again though, considering I now know basically the entire series by heart heh. Might replay Prophecy sometime soon.
Well you should try out the MP patch some time as well. Been seeing you quite a bit in Arena combat. :D