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  1. Adm_maverick

    Piranha in Tinker cad

    so apparently I was in a mood for some self-torture today, a I just spent the last (counts)... 14 hours building a model of the F-106 Piranha in Tinkercad. I went some artist interpretation for some details, like the side mounted storm fire and the sensor array on the left side. Over all, I...
  2. Adm_maverick

    Wing Commander miniatures game

    somewhat. I decided that the previous scale was too small to maintain the "fighter wing" feeling, so I've upped the fighter scale by about 50 percent. I keep meaning to recalculate ranges but between work, family... other work and some other stuff, things just keep getting away from me. the...
  3. Adm_maverick

    F-109 Vampire model

    As a part of my Wing Commander Star Fighter table top game I had the idea that if the mission involves capital ships, that the cap-ships would basically be the board. Which was fine... until I scaled the Midway for the game and found that it would have to be about 6 and a half feet long. And...
  4. Adm_maverick

    F-109 Vampire model

    Definitely going to use an air brush for base coating. Might use it for some shading work. Depends on how exactly I choose to paint it.
  5. Adm_maverick

    F-109 Vampire model

    Don't sell your model short. It looks really good. I think a lot of the problem with your is the limits of FDM printing. It's a trade off. SLA can do finer details, but it tends to be heavier and much easier to break. I had to print the nose of the Vampire 3 times because it cracked during...
  6. Adm_maverick

    F-109 Vampire model

    There comes a point in any project where you look at your in-progress work and you see the work coming together that you’re like “okay… this is looking friggen awesome!”Here is that moment with the Vampire model: Covering up the light bleed through the resin is proving to be somewhat more...
  7. Adm_maverick

    F-109 Vampire model

    I decided to something crazy and I took the Vampire figure from Thingverse, and upscaled it to produce a roughly 14" long model. Now because of the size of my resin printer, I had to break the model down into segments. But then I also took a step further and wanted to make the engines rotate...
  8. Adm_maverick

    Wing Commander miniatures game

    So I'm working on tweaking weapon stats for the game. I'm looking at the cost... and I'm kind of torn regarding the Plasma Cannon. Some break down of the stats for the weapons and what they mean: [D]mg: the damage the weapon inflicts per shot landed. [R]ng: The maximum range of the weapons...
  9. Adm_maverick

    Wing Commander miniatures game

    Also, I was unaware that TTS had an AI system that you could play against.
  10. Adm_maverick

    Wing Commander miniatures game

    I won't say 'no' to that question, but I'm not going to say that that capability is a priority either.
  11. Adm_maverick

    Wing Commander miniatures game

    For any who are interested, I threw together a brief introduction and explanation of the stats for my game: I'm gonna try and build other videos that explain the other rules, but you know, time and all.
  12. Adm_maverick

    Wing Commander miniatures game

    It's been almost a year and a half since I was able to put any serious effort into the table-top game. See when the pandemic started, I was just moving into serious playtesting the Star Fighter tabletop game. And that curb-stomped my play-testing efforts. It's kind of hard to play-test a...
  13. Adm_maverick

    Wing Commander miniatures game

    Yeah I've got a big bloated spreadsheet with all the stats in one form or another. As far as the cannons go, what kind of stats are looking for that I didn't already layout in the last post?
  14. Adm_maverick

    Wing Commander miniatures game

    Okay, so I need some input from someone who is better at numerical analysis then I am. I'm working to develop a mathematical process that come up with a cost in point for the weapons. One of the biggest problems I ran into with my last round of playtesting was points balance. To be blunt, a...
  15. Adm_maverick

    Wing Commander miniatures game

    at one point I was thinking about using a distance-based to hit mechanism that would be modified by the pilot's gunnery skill. So you'd have a table with distances 1-9 on the top, and Pilot Gunnery skill on the side. You compare the distance to the pilot skill, and that would give you the roll...
  16. Adm_maverick

    Wing Commander miniatures game

    One of the big things I've been advised to avoid is having too many multiple modifiers. The ideal limit is 0 but 1 level of modifiers is acceptable while 2 is tolerable and 3 is something to avoid unless I want to go full-on RPG style. Many ships have abilities that grant bonuses or confer...
  17. Adm_maverick

    Wing Commander miniatures game

    As laid out right now, the Laser Cannon is an Energy weapon. Energy weapons do full damage to shields and half damage to hull points. So 4 laser cannons shots hitting a ship with 0 shields, will inflict 2 points of damage against the hull. If it hits the shields those 4 shots would do 4 points...
  18. Adm_maverick

    Wing Commander miniatures game

    The 'effect' comes into play if you shoot the weapon at a target further away then it's 'E-distance' or "Engagement Distance". So in the case of a laser cannon, if you attack a target that is within 9" you get the full 6 shots. But if you shoot at a target that is more than 9" away you only get...
  19. Adm_maverick

    Wing Commander miniatures game

    Yes, I am still working on it, just not as often as I would like to. Between school, work, life, 2nd work, and a couple of other things, hours turn into days that turn into weeks are just way too common right now. I don't presently have anything is ready for Print-n-play, but with more and more...
  20. Adm_maverick

    If someone wants to kitbash the Midway

    There isn't an official one so far as I know about. But when I first started work on my Star Fighters game, ChrisReid pointed me at an un-official one. Lemme see if I can find the post. Here we go.